Saying These 15 Mantras Will Help You End The Day Feeling Good Enough

Sep 05, 2018 by apost team

These 15 mantras will leave you feeling positive and care-free.

Is falling asleep the hardest part of your day? Does a big task have you worried? Repeat these 15 things, and you’ll feel your doubts melt away as you catch some sleep.

1. “Today, I Did The Best I Could.”

Each day comes with different battles. No one aces everything they set out to do. It is only human. Feel proud that you gave your all since seeking your truth is what matters in the end.

2. “I Am Worthy of Happiness and Love.”

Always keep in mind that you one of the universe’s children. You deserve a life overflowing with love. Keep repeating this positive thought and you will attract loving abundance into your life.

3. “I Have The Confidence To Accomplish Anything.”

Everyone suffers with self doubt. You can fight it by giving yourself a dose of self-assurance any time you desire! This will help you remember that you have no limits. As you program this mantra into your subconscious, it will become a natural belief that you will take action upon.

4. “I Am Grateful For What I Have.”

Chances are the day was tough, but you got through it. It is easy to get caught up in the “rat-race.” Remember that if you are already growing yourself, you ahead of most. Use this thought will help you in accepting the present moment.

5. “I Love Myself.”

You are allowed to love yourself no matter what. There is no need to ask for permission. Material things don’t define you. You are a big picture thinker who will prevail in the end.

6. “I Am Grateful For My Loved Ones.”

Don’t neglect to feel thankful for your loved ones. They support you and can give the boost you need. You don’t have to always agree with them, but you can be thankful for those who have your back.

7. “Don’t Compare Myself To Others, This Is My Own Path!”

It is too easy to compare our grass to the grass on the other side. All this will do is make you feel petty and jealous as a result. It isn’t helpful to compare yourself against the abilities of someone else. You can only live your life, not theirs. Everyone finds their own purpose for existing.

8. “I Can See The Good In Everything”

When you close your eyes, think of the beauty all around you. This reaffirms that you share a connection to everyone and everything around you. You will be able to relax as you nurture a deeper connection to the world.

9. “Everything In My Life Serves My Highest Purpose.”

Whether today’s events were good or bad, they will reveal part of your unique destiny. There is a reason for everything that happens. Take heart and relax. The universe will guide you and teach you the lessons you need.

10. “I’m A Vibrant, And Happy Being.”

The battle is won in the mind. Imagining yourself as relaxed and healthy is the first step to winning and puts the Law of Attraction behind you. Keep focusing on positive thoughts instead of your fears.

11. “I Release What No Longer Serves Me.”

When you are falling asleep, you have no use for negative thoughts. Let them out with each exhale. Keep repeating this mantra every night before bed. In time, you will find each night builds on the last. Waking up with a uplifting mindset will become a habit.

12. “I Am Master of My Existence.”

Many seem to forget that they are the master of their reality. You are able to guide your energy by guiding your thoughts. Saying this mantra will help you regain control if you feel it slipping. Remember - you are free to seek out life on your terms.

13. “I Am More Than Enough.”

Keep reinforcing your positive thoughts and positive self-image with this mantra. Leave no foothold for negativity in your mind’s garden. Each positive thought whips out a weed and replaces it with a positive seed.

14. “I Believe In Myself.”

Realize that you already have value. Don’t forget you are capable of doing anything you desire in life. All it takes is belief in yourself and taking the steps to get closer to who you really are.

15. “I Am Resting Peacefully.”

Not even a crazy day can bring you down. Look inwards to find the peace and strength that is your birthright. This is all you need to sustain you when the outside world seems hectic. Take a deep breath, and let a good night’s sleep wash over you.

What is your routine to ease your mind before bed? Let us know down below in the comments and show this to your friends and family! You never know who could be struggling.