Salt lamps are actually good for your anxiety problems
Oct 06, 2016 by apost team
You don’t always need medication to stay healthy and focussed.

Have you ever wondered why you feel so relaxed and rejuvenated after you’ve been out and about like camping or walking through a forest? That’s because such places are mostly void of technology like mobile phones. It’s devices like these that emit positive ions which can cause us to feel imbalanced, stressed and fearful.
Now, you might ask yourself how a salt lamp can help you. We compiled six good reasons for you.
1. They even out the number of positive ions
Salt lamps emit negative ions which means they actively fight against the bad positive ions. Choose one big lamp or several smaller lamps in order to effectively protect yourself from bad vibes in your home.
2. They are beneficial for your health
As the lamps contain up to 84 minerals that your body needs, it’s a good contribution towards your health. The salt lamp helps to regulate your water balance and pH level.
3. They give you new energy
The negative ions the lamp emits help you to be more focussed and awake. This is because they increase the oxygen flow to your brain.
4. They gift you with cleaner air
Salt lamps also clear the air of radioactive waves, bad bacteria and toxic elements. That helps us to stay healthy and prevents diseases.
5. They help fight diseases
Everyone knows that the electric smog caused by modern devices can cause cancer. However, the negative ions the salt lamps emit help to neutralize it, just like they reduce the risk of strokes or heart attacks.
6. They let you get a better night’s sleep
It’s best if you place your salt lamp in the bedroom! Thanks to all the benefits listed above it will be much easier for you to fall asleep because the atmosphere and air is much more cleared.

All in all, you will feel much better and less anxiety in your everyday life.
Disclaimer: Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us.
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