Research Shows That Losing A Dog Can Be As Difficult As Losing A Loved One

Jun 06, 2019 by apost team

Losing a dog can be an overwhelmingly painful experience. Many times our furry friends are more like a family member than just a household pet. Research has confirmed that mourning the loss of a dog can in-fact be just as painful as overcoming the death of a person. 

5 Reasons Why Losing A Dog Is As Difficult As Losing A Loved One

1. Bonding

A study done in Japan found that humans bond emotionally when we look into each other's eyes because our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin is sometimes referred to as the 'love hormone' based on research done in the first stages of romantic relationships.

The study found that the same process of gazing into a loved one's eyes is found when we gaze into our closest companion's eyes, dogs.  According to the study, mutual gazing increased oxytocin levels, and sniffing oxytocin increased gazing in dogs (yes, dogs can smell your hormones). This suggests humans can have the same emotional bond with dogs that we also have with other humans. 

2. Grieving 

When someone near to you passes away, you can look for treatment or counseling, your friends and family are there to support you through the mourning process. But when a pet passes away sometimes the response from others can be different. Guy Winch, a clinical psychologist, speaker, and author that covers both pet loss and romantic heartbreak from NYU, says how the social and community support when a human dies are absent when a pet dies.

This can make it even more difficult for you to reconcile the passing of your pet and to help you move on from the loss and find closure.  

3. A Best Friend

We don't give dogs that name for nothing. Pups are a living witness to our ups and downs and may be the only ones to see a side to us that is rarely shown to other people. Through periods of weakness or sadness our pooches often provide us with comfort, stability and furry cuddles to help us get through all the bad times. Not only are they a companion at home but in the world too. Taking them on walks or to outdoor restaurants was like spending the day with your closest friend. 

4. Routines

Sometimes almost immediately when your dog passes away, your routines become different. There's no need to wake up early to take your pupper out or to feed them breakfast. This can be hard as it had become such a habit and a part of your daily routine that the disruption can feel unusual. 

A study published in the British Journal of Psychology found that the depression and mourning humans feel after the loss of a pet is a paralleled reaction to that when humans mourn humans. In other words, humans have the same type of emotional reaction and feelings when mourning dogs as we do when mourning humans. 

5. Guilt 

Guilt can be an incredibly intense feeling especially when the decision of your dog's life is placed in your hands. Other circumstances surrounding the loss can also change the severity of the guilt felt.

Specifically when the cause of death could have possibly been avoided, or if all other measures were not taken or explored. You might feel like you should have / could have done more -- even if there wasn't anything you could do. 

So, What Does This All Mean In the End?

The passing of a dog or any kind of pet for that matter can be heartbreaking for many. It's okay to express your feelings and you absolutely rational in wanting to grieve them. 

From the studies shown, everything you could be feeling is normal and justified by science! Reach out to others who may have gone through the same thing and don't be afraid to open up about your struggle. Talking about your loss can help you find closure and heal. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss of a dog this article could be beneficial for them! Tell us your thoughts on this subject in the comments below.