Rescuer Comforts Dying Homeless Dog During The Night So He Won't Pass Away Alone

Apr 11, 2019 by apost team

When it comes to animal rescue, it is always a joy and privilege to tell of the positive stories with a happy end. Sometimes, however, there are sad stories that are well to be told as well. One such story is the case with animal rescuer Janine Guido and the dog she stayed with through the night.

This is the story of Walton and Janine Guido, the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. When Janine met Watson, she had the hope that he could live, but with time, she found out that this small creature was ready to rest and did not have the power to live anymore.

Watson was found by a college student in Philadelphia park. He was in a bad condition with sores all over his emaciated body. The emergency vet of the community helped out for many days, but the tumor on the back of the dog's leg had spread.

The only thing to do was to stay with him during his last hours.

Guido brought Watson to the rescue facility. Besides the comfortable environment, food, and water, Guido made sure that Watson had company for his last hours. Guido used dog beds and blankets laid out together to make herself a bed next to Watson. She spent the hours of the night petting Watson softly and speaking to him.

Watson seemed to enjoy what probably was his first and last night with a human who loved him.

In the morning after, Watson would not have any food or drink. He just paced. At 10:28 AM he passed away in Guido's arms. No one is sure whether or not Watson ever experienced such kindness, but at least Guido felt good about being with him in the last moments of his life.

This case is proof of why so many rescue workers experience something known as compassion fatigue. They are always ready to help the needing animals that they are ready to sacrifice their own comfort and time for.

While they often succeed in saving an animal, sometimes their efforts are not enough.

Watch the emotional story in the video below:

For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) -

What do you think about people who spend all their time and resources helping animals? Would you help out a cause like this? Do you have your own rescue stories, maybe even with a more happy ending? Show this article to your animal loving friends and spread compassion.