Rescued Dancing Sloth Bear Currently Enjoys The Peaceful Life At Gorgeous Sanctuary

Sep 10, 2020 by apost team

Lina, a former dancing sloth bear is seen enjoying a life of serenity at WildlifeSOS in Agra, India along with many others of its kind.

Sloths are generally known as one of the laziest species of animals out there. Of course, this does not mean that they are hated. Sloths are loved and adored by plenty of people across the nation. While sloths may not be able to beat you in a race, they definitely are wise and adorable creatures!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

The sloth bears of India are more commonly known as the dancing bears. According to Bear Conservation, these sloths were usually captured in the cruelest of ways. One practice has been done for centuries and has maintained its inhumanity. In this practice, sloth bear cubs are captured and have their teeth removed so that they cannot fight back.

This decreases any threat to their human kidnappers but causes severe pain for these poor cubs. After this, a hot poker is used to create a hole in the sloth's snout. As unbearable as this is to imagine, this was the most popular practice for capturing sloth bears in India for centuries.

This method involved controlling sloth bear cubs through the pain. Thankfully, this practice was deemed inhumane and cruel in the 1970s. The government then ruled that handlers could no longer use this method and it became illegal. Regardless, without the proper enforcement, this practice continued secretly.

The sloth bear of this video is seen slouching around in a dirt hole. He has no concerns or fears of being kidnapped in the most inhumane of ways because he lives at WildlifeSOS.

WidlifeSOS is a wildlife conservatory based in Agra, India that takes in sloth bears who are separated from their families due to human activity. At this conservatory, sloth bears are given a new lease of life and can finally live their lives the way they were meant to be lived.

WildlifeSOS is only one of the several organizations that have dedicated efforts into stopping this inhumane practice. Together, these organizations have successfully rescued over 620 of these amazing creatures.

The shelter allows the sloth bears to live in a suitable habitat with proper care and protection. The shelter was designed to resemble their natural habitat and these bears are truly grateful for it.

The organization was established in 1995 and is one of the oldest wildlife organizations to exist. It is not only dedicated to rescuing the bears but is also bent on training the "Kalandars." The Kalandars are the people who frequently practice capturing sloth bears. Instead of giving them to the authorities, the organization uses an approach focused on reintegration.

Through education and training, WildlifeSOS helps Kalandars to obtain better employment. This allows them to step back from sloth bears and realize that their livelihoods are not dependant upon kidnapping these kind creatures. WildlifeSOS has successfully sent over 1600 children back to school and helped plenty of adults find a new job.

This method fo rehabilitation and reintegration has changed the lives of countless former sloth bear kidnappers. While eliminating the problem, it also works efficiently at eliminating the source. WildlifeSOS is still a functioning organization to this day, but they often need support to continue running.

One of their bears is named Lina and was rescued from a capture. Although the horrific procedures were done on her, she was given the appropriate veterinary care. She now lives peacefully at the sanctuary where she is living her life to the fullest.

What did you think about the efforts by WildlifeSOS? Let us know in the comments! You can help spread the awareness of sloth bears by passing this story along!

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