Reporter Finds Granny Snowblowing In Polar Vortex & Her Explanation Has Him Cracking Up

Feb 13, 2019 by apost team

When WZZM reporter Nick LaFave ran across 82-year-old Marlene Downing, she was trundling along behind a massive snowblower, clearing away her and her neighbors’ sidewalks and driveways. And while performing that task is routine in her town of Muskegon, Michigan, the conditions Downing was out in were rather extreme, with temperatures that had already fallen well below zero in a region fully gripped by a polar vortex.

The photo of Downing that LaFave posted to Facebook quickly went viral, and the reasons that she gave for being outside in such frigid weather melted hearts, all across the nation.

Downing is a self-described “tough old broad,” who grew up in Harvey, North Dakota, where, she said, “they never shut anything down.” Downing claims that the current weather in the Midwest just reminds her of being back in her hometown, adding that she’s long since adjusted to freezing cold.

“I like being outside, and I like the snow,” she said. “I just don’t need any help. I got this big machine, it works great.

When asked what her grandchildren thought of the habit, Downing admitted, “They think I’m crazy.” She added that they’ve previously warned her about staying inside and away from the snowblower but that neither has slowed her down.

“I’m sure they would help if I asked,” Downing said. “My grandson has plowed it once, but I’m fine. I like being out there.”

Downing gave another reason for her odd winter behavior, one that usually requires sunnier weather and involves two wheels, an open road and her greyhound, Pippa, riding in the sidecar.

“I think the engine sounds like my Harley, maybe,” Downing said.

“I’m ready for it to be summer,” Downing said. “And I’ll enjoy the winter as long as we have it. It’s just fun to be outside, no matter what.”

Because, of course, Downing, who’s unafraid to take out a snowblower in the middle of a polar vortex, owns a Harley Davidson. She’s ridden it more than 135,000 miles, though usually in much nicer weather. Either way, be it under the summer sun or in the throes of crippling winter conditions, Downing just appreciates not being cooped up, indoors.

Do you have any personal stories about the frigid weather that gripped so much of America, this winter? If so, let us know in the comments! Don't forget to pass this along to your friends and family who lived through the polar vortex, too!