Remain Single Until You Find A Person Who Meets These 16 Expectations

Nov 26, 2018 by apost team

If you haven’t found your soulmate yet, there are a few things you should keep an eye out for. Everyone knows that there’s no such thing as a perfect person, as each of us has our own flaws and insecurities. You should never believe that you’re going to meet somebody without a few imperfections. However, this doesn’t mean that you should give up on meeting your ideal partner.

We should never settle for relationships that aren’t providing us with all of our needs. You should never feel like that since you yourself aren’t perfect, that you deserve less than the best treatment and respect. Just because we can’t be perfect, doesn’t mean that we cannot feel loved and taken care of. When it comes to romantic relationships, we need to figure out the top qualities we seek in a person and keep those in mind when meeting potential partners.

When we seek to find the love of our life, patience is important. There’s no need to rush into a subpar relationship just because it’s all you can find and you have the opportunity to do so. It’s important to be picky and selective when it comes to partners. Although this might mean that you have to pass on a few potential partnerships, it’s not worth it to settle for less than you desire and deserve. Finding just the right one takes time and effort.

Although it can be difficult to find our true match, it pays off when you finally reach that point. It’s important to not allow loneliness or deprivation to drive us into the arms of the wrong partner. These wrong relationship will drain you of your energy and you’ll feel empty when they end. That’s why it’s important that we remain single until we find somebody that meets our expectations. But what should we be looking for? Remain single until you find somebody who does all of the following things.

1. You need somebody who wants to hold your hand through all of the hardships in life. Somebody who makes you feel like you aren’t alone through your worries and struggles.

2. You deserve somebody that can heal all of the broken parts of you. These parts became broken from toxic past relationships.

3. Seek somebody who fills you with confidence and inspiration to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

4. This person will also do anything that it takes to develop trust between the two of you. They will never be disloyal or betray you because they know trust can never be quite the same once it has been broken.

5. You need to find somebody who goes through on what they say. Their actions should always match their words. Commitment and promise mean something to them.

6. You deserve someone who treats you with the utmost politeness and respects you. Anybody who disrespects you or treats you cruelly isn’t worth your time.

7. This person will make you feel safe. You’ll feel secure in your relationship, as it will be one without any stress, hurt, or anxiety.

8. This person should be consistent enough and reliable. This means that they will provide you with the stability you seek. You won’t have the fear that one day they will just wake up and leave you.

9. You deserve somebody who allows you to have your moment. They won’t ever steal your spotlight or try to dull your shine. Their ego doesn’t get in the way of your relationship.

10. You should seek out somebody who offers their deepest and darkest thoughts and feelings. They know how to communicate, so there won’t be any uncertainty between you two. This allows for both of you to be on the same page.

11. This person will put the time and effort in that it takes to maintain a healthy relationship. They know that it takes a certain amount of work for a relationship to keep going. Love isn’t enough in any case, and they’re fully aware of that.

12. This person is faithful to you. When they say that you’re the only one they can see themselves with, it’s true. They aren’t going to fool around on you or be disloyal. They have closed off all other options and avenues due to their love and respect for you.

13. This will be somebody who wants to get to know you inside and out. They ask all of the right questions so that they learn more about you. They love connecting with you in different ways.

14. This person should inspire you to become the best version of yourself. Just having them around inspires you to become a better person and live life to the fullest.

15. You should seek out somebody who knows when to apologize. You don’t want somebody whose pride gets in the way of your relationship. It’s important that they are humble enough to know when they have done wrong or when they have let their insecurities come in between the two of you.

16. When the two of you are together, it should feel like nothing else matters. Even in a crowded room, you only feel the presence of each other and you love every second of each other’s company.

Finding the right partner might take some time, but it's worth the patience and effort. Staying single until you have someone who matches up with all of your hopes and dreams will pay off in the long run. What do you look for in a potential partner? Do you resonate with any of the qualities listed above? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to pass this article on to all your single friends!