Reindeer Pup Watches Over Newborn Babies

Dec 30, 2019 by apost team

What's cuter than a dog? How about a dog in reindeer antlers? Yes, that's pretty adorable. Well, what if we throw a baby into the mix? That might just be too cute to handle. Hold on to your horses, because we're not done quite yet. There are two babies, and each is dressed in holiday garb.

Did we also mention that they're basically infants? Yes, that cute cooing and squirming are in full force. Throw all of these elements together and you've got a recipe for cuteness. That's what one family was able to experience on Christmas morning.

In a video that is quickly going viral, a family dog can be seen resting on its side. He's clearly pooped out from all of the holiday festivities. There's a pair of red reindeer antlers on his head. We're not sure if he chose to wear those or if he's just too tired to take off what his owners thought looked cute on him. Regardless, cuteness abounds. Tucked in between his two front paws are a pair of adorable babies. They're both decked out in cute, festive wear. Onesies with Christmas colors and hats to keep their tiny heads warm.

The two kids, which we can assume are singlings, only seem to be a few months old. The protective dog is watching over these adorable cutelings to make sure nothing happens to them. It's always amazing to see man's best friend around babies. They're curious, cautious, and, most of all, protective. It's clear that dogs understand that human children are vulnerable and in need of constant attention. One only needs to look at a dog when a baby cries. There heads turn, they run to the source of the sound, and try their hardest to figure out what could help quell the sounds of distress.

Every family has its own set of traditions around the holidays. It seems that this family is starting a tradition of having their beloved dog around for Christmas to help take care of the family. Dogs and humans share a close bond that has been developing for thousands of years. There's no doubt that these kids will grow up loving their best friend who just happens to have four legs and a great sense of smell.

If you found this video touching, show it to someone who loves their pup. Could the holidays get any better with man's best friend around?