'Quiet' Farmer Leaves £1m To Hospital After His Death

Oct 24, 2019 by apost team

Douglas de Bootman of Thursford in Norfolk, England, was known as a quiet man who farmed land and was truly happy living a simple, quiet life. He owned land in both Thursford and Pentney in Norfolk and pretty much kept to himself. He had farmed in the area from the time that he first left school until he finally retired. According to his sister-in-law, he simply loved the land and didn’t want to go far from it. His land was his little piece of heaven. His wife, Janet, passed away in 2010, and he had pretty much been on his own since them, not maintaining much of a social life.

Mr. de Bootman died at the ripe age of 88 and he left $1 million to local Cromer Hospital to help people with cancer to fight the disease, as BBC reports. Mr. de Bootman’s niece, Karen, said that her Uncle had told her before his death that she had a big job in front of her and that she would have a lot to sort out. She said he was definitely right. She discovered about a week before he passed away that he planned to leave the majority of his remaining estate to Cromer Hospital.



According to Karen, the family never talked about who Mr. de Bootman would leave his estate to prior to the week before his death. She says they are simply a private family that doesn’t discuss things like who he would leave it to. She says he had just a few close friends, didn’t go out much, and he truly liked living a quiet life.

A spokesperson from Cromer Hospital says that the $1 million donation was one of the largest donations that the hospital, specifically the cancer wing, had ever received. The money will go toward building a brand new cancer unit that will help thousands of people.

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Mr. de Bootman’s wife had been to Cromer Hospital a few times when she was ill, before her death. However, his sister-in-law, Patricia, says that he had always just adored Cromer Hospital, even before they took such excellent care of his wife during her time of need.

Isn’t it amazing how one person can make sure a big difference that it can fuel the building of a brand new cancer wing at a local hospital? Mr. de Bootman is extremely generous. Pass this story along to anyone who could use some inspiration today!