Quick And Easy Workout For 40-Year-Old Women

Aug 08, 2018 by apost team

Have you hit middle age and wondered what has happened to your thin, toned body? Are you feeling like your husband may not be as attracted to you as he once was back when you were in better shape? You're not alone. Plenty of women who have hit age 40 can relate to these feelings. The busyness of everyday life with work, caring for children, and keeping up with the demands of a household can take their toll on your physical fitness. But you don't have to put up with feeling out of control of your body any longer.

Thankfully, there is a set of simple, ideal exercises that have been specially selected for women who are forty and older who want to get back into great shape. These moves really work, but they won't crowd your already busy schedule. Set a goal to work them into your weekly routine at least twice. They make a great compliment to walking and jogging. Don't forget to stretch before every workout for maximum results and to avoid injuring your joints and muscles.

1. Plies 


With your feet together, stand up straight and put a hand on each of your hips. Tighten your thigh, buttocks, and belly muscles. Keep your back straight. Next, point your toes out. Then bend your knees steadily and carefully until they are right over your second toes while keeping your heels firmly planted.

If you're doing it correctly you should feel a stretching sensation on your calf muscles. Hold the move with your knees bent and back straight for a few seconds. Then slowly unbend your knees.


2. V-Ups 


Lay flat on the ground. Using an exercise mat is helpful if you're on an especially hard surface. Keep your legs straight. Lift them up in front of you.

Then reach forward to try and touch your toes. Get as close to your toes as possible. If you do this move enough times you should get comfortable touching all the way to your toes. Lay down for a few minutes in between repetitions of this highly effective move.

3. Tricep Dips 


If you've noticed some unsightly flab on the back of your upper arms this is a great exercise for targeting this common problem area. Get a sturdy object such as a chair or heavy box. With your feet pushed together grab onto the edge of the object while keeping your heels planted firmly on the floor.

Be sure not to bend your knees. You want your arms to do all the work for this move without any help from your leg muscles! Lower yourself down as far as you can without causing too much discomfort. Then push back up again until your arms are almost completely straight. This move may be difficult at first, but if you keep it up you should see quick results.

4. Squats 


Squats work so many muscles that they're one of the primary fat burning and toning exercises you should focus on, especially if you're over 40. Start in an upright standing position with your feet spread slightly further than shoulder width. Make sure your shoulders are back so you don't accidentally injure your lower back muscles. Put your arms out straight in front of you with palms facing downward(as if you're about to start walking like a zombie in an old, corny horror movie). If that's not a comfortable position for you here's an alternative. You can hold your palms straight together in front of you in a praying position with your elbows pressed against your torso.

Next, inhale, then allow your knees to bend while your hips move back just a little. Though you may think it looks funny, let your buttocks protrude backward. Keep your back straight and chest out while your chin stays up so that you can look straight in front of you at all times. As time goes on and your leg muscles get stronger, keep striving to go deeper with your squats for maximum effectiveness.

Ideally, you should try to get to the point where your hips are lower than your knees but don't attempt to go that low right away if you haven't built up your flexibility yet. You don't want to accidentally hurt yourself!

5. Wall Sits


Stand up against a wall with your back straight, touching the wall. Step your feet out approximately two feet right in front of you, about half a foot apart from one another. Bend your knees while sliding your back down the wall until they reach a straight 90-degree angle.

Keep this position for up to one minute while tightening your abs. Slowly come back to an upright position. If you can't quite reach a 90-degree angle or hold the move for a whole minute just go as low as you can and hold it as long as you can. Over time you can challenge yourself to go lower and hold your wall sit longer.

6. Side Plank with Rotation 


Lay on the ground on your right side. Keeping your knees straight, support your body on your right elbow and forearm with your forearm extended in front of you. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Lift up your hips. Your body should form a straight line all the way from your shoulders down to your ankles if you're doing this move correctly.

Then lift your left arm straight up above you with your hand pointed straight toward the sky and your elbow straight. Next, take your left arm and place it under your torso until it's actually behind your back. Then reach your left hand back up to the sky. After you've done several reps on this side, switch to your other side and repeat several times on that side as well.

7. Plank Arm Leg Raise 


Lie face down flat on the floor or mat. Lift your body up, propping it on your forearms and toes. Keep your back, hips, and legs in a straight line.

Lift up your right leg without bending your knee. Keep raising it up until your foot is higher than your hips. At the same time, lift up your left arm while keeping your elbow straight. Keep lifting it until it's higher than your shoulder.

8. Leg Raises 


Lay flat on your back on a bench, floor, or mat. You can put your hands below your glutes with palms down or, if you're on a bench, you can grip the sides of the bench. Keep your legs straight except for a slight bend in the knees. Lift them to a 90-degree angle above you while exhaling.

Pause for a few seconds when your feet reach the 90-degree angle. This workout is a great way to get in better shape and boost your confidence. Let us know your thoughts after you give it a try! Pass it along to your friends and family who are also trying to enhance their bodies.

Let us know if this workout was helpful to you and send it to your other 40 plus aged friends so that they can benefit from these great exercise moves!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!