'Queen Who Will Leave Her Mark': Kate As A Campaigner Is 'Endearingly Natural'

Jul 05, 2021 by apost team

Kate Middleton has been a favorite among royal fans ever since she married Prince William in 2011. After her wedding, she has gracefully taken on the role of a senior member of the royal family, and one of the things she is best known for is her impeccable sense of style.

From coat dresses to skirt suits, she has added her own signature style to every outfit she chooses. She has inspired countless women across the world to follow in her footsteps and follow a sensible and modest style that is also powerful and classy. Kate Middleton has perfectly bridged the gap of her signature fashion sense with royal dressing rules as she prepares to become queen.

All women who marry into the real family have to follow strict rules and protocols, among which dressing a certain way is mandated. For both Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, training was required to make them aware of the expectations placed on them as senior royal members. With so many rules in place, it often leaves little space to express one's individuality.

However, in the ten years that Kate Middleton has been a royal, she has found excellent ways to incorporate her distinctive taste and style despite the rules that govern her every decision. In the coming years, the chances of her becoming the Queen Consort sooner rather than later have risen steadily. As she prepares for this pivotal role in her life, she has also slowly taken on more and more responsibility, quietly turning into a steadfast social campaigner among the royals.

Kate Middleton (2021), (Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

The Express spoke to royal expert and body language expert Judi James about the changes Duchess Catherine has undergone over the last ten years in her behavior as well as her approach to her role as a senior royal.

James asserted that Kate has been slowly but surely making her mark on the royal family and establishing her own style of being the future queen.

"Kate is increasingly looking like a Queen who will leave her mark, albeit quietly and politely and in a non-controversial way," James is quoted as saying.

As examples for this, James cites the growing number of patronages and social projects Kate is campaigning for and spearheading. Examples include her work for the NHS, Britain's national health service, her work and role model function during the coronavirus pandemic, and her charitable work and awareness programs for children's mental health over the last years.

The most recent example of Kate's growing list of social projects she has worked on is the Heads Together campaign. She spearheaded this mental health campaign together with her husband Prince William. The project focuses on reducing the stigma attached to mental problems, encouraging people to seek out when they feel mental strain and fundraising for new mental health services. One of their successful initiatives is "Shout," a free text messaging service that provides around-the-clock support for those suffering from mental problems. Its aim is to connect people seeking help quickly and easily with professionals in their area that can offer help.


Kate Middleton (2019), (WPA Pool/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)

As James explains, this project is just one of the many ways Duchess Kate has shown that she is ready to tackle big issues worldwide. However, at the same time it does not seem as if she will change the royal traditions in any significant way, James states:

"She is not a disrupter and looks unlikely to set about changing the traditions or behaviours of the Firm. But, during the past year, she has been emerging slowly but steadily as a campaigner in her own right as well as one of a very tight and evenly-balanced team of two with her husband."

James also draws attention to the way the duchess has successfully mixed professional appearances and manners with a down-to-earth, friendly manner and open approach to her fans.

"Kate's skills as a performer have seen her doing some professional-looking pieces to camera as well as some endearingly natural-looking selfie-style or Zoom chats.

Her confidence signals are on the increase and she appears to be showing signs of being willing to take on some of the big hitters on the world stage in terms of promoting her causes, so she may be a Queen who uses her voice and her world audience for active good works and campaigns."

All of this points to the fact that Kate is more than ready for her eventual role as Britain's Queen Consort. It already seems clear that she is fit for her role and ready to tackle any issues the ruling monarch's consort might possibly be faced with.

Kate Middleton, Prince William (2021), (WPA Pool/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)

What do you think about Duchess Kate's change over the last years? Do you also think she has been doing good work? Tell us your thoughts and pass this along to fellow royals fans!

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