Puppy Does The Cutest Ritual Before Having Dinner

Mar 07, 2019 by apost team

Dogs are a lot more capable than we give them credit for!

Why People Love Puppies

Puppies have chubby bellies, big heads, large eyes and soft, fluffy fur. All of these things make them adorabe!

People also love the cuddly and playful nature of puppies. The way that a puppy behaves is all about its training, treatment and environment.

People who train and treat a puppy well will have a confident, happy, and friendly dog.


Funny Antics of Puppies

Known for their boundless energy while awake, puppies do some cute things.

They roll and play. They run and jump and flop.

One man taught his puppy to do something especially cute before meal time.

What One Puppy Does Every Day Before Dinner

Even though puppies have a lot of energy, they can be trained. It just takes some patience and positive reinforcement.

One man managed to teach his dog to do something endearing before eating. The man pours kibble into the puppy's bowl. He then gets down low, and the dog does the same. The man says a prayer, and the dog waits quietly with his paws crossed.

When the man finishes the prayer, the dog knows that it is time to eat the food that has been in the bowl the whole time.

How the Owner Raised the Dog

The owner has taken a lot of time in order to train his puppy.

Even though this puppy is only 11 weeks old, it can still be trained on how to behave.

Starting training early is the best way to prevent bad behaviors from developing in a puppy.

What the Owner Thinks

The owner thinks that the puppy is worth his time and attention.

He believes that attention, positive reinforcement and daily training will turn this pup into a great family dog.

The younger the dog, the better it will be at learning good behavior.

What do you think about this man's efforts at training his puppy? Do you think that this dog is too young or just the right age to be trained on good behavior? Have you ever trained a puppy or taken it to obedience training classes in order to learn how to be a good dog? Let us know your thoughts about this story!