Postal Worker Makes Delivery Only To Find Sign On Porch That's Quick To Go Viral

Jul 03, 2018 by apost team

Many of us look forward to the summer heat because of activities that accompany it. These activities include barbeques, swimming, and fun with family and friends. The heat is not such a blessing for certain people, however. Many of the homeless suffer from the unforgiving heat waves that come upon us during the warmer months of the year. This can cause major difficulties for homeless people and also those who work outdoors on a regular basis. This happens to include postal workers.

An important notion that we are reminded of all the time is to stay hydrated. Keeping water in your system on a frequent basis does a lot for the body. Due to this important, the residents of a particular village in Oklahoma decided to do a kind deed for the postal workers. The message started to get around, and the residents put coolers that were filled with cold water bottles on each of their porches.

Many of these coolers had signs on top of them with kind words for the postal workers.

What was within these coolers, you wonder? There were ice cold waters for the postal delivery workers to have and improve their day with. Each was filled to the brim with chilled beverages to improve the workers’ days.

Some of the coolers even had other types of drinks to accompany the ice cold waters. Sports drinks, for example, were included in addition to water in certain ice chests. This is a wonderful act of kindness, and its reach extended to outdoor workers such as police officers, landscaping workers, and even those in the sanitation industry. This news report from KOCO 5 News can show you even more about this wonderful deed that occurred during the hot summer months in Oklahoma.

Even something as small as a cold beverage can go a long way for someone. Show this video and article to family and friends to extend the gesture and spread awareness.