Popular Teen Recruits Group Of Students And Starts Approaching Kids Eating Alone

Nov 10, 2020 by apost team

Some of us can look back on high school with fond memories of Friday night lights, hallway romances, homecoming festivities, and just hanging out with our friends. However, the high school experience is not always the same for everyone. Some may have even found it to be downright miserable.

From being bullied to being left out of what may feel like the most important time of your life, high school can pose uncomfortable challenges for some. Does it seem that wherever you go these days, people are touting "be kind," but is this ideal really put into action, especially in high school?

We can definitively say, "yes, it is," at least at one high school where just one teen decided to make a change. After feeling isolated himself, Denis Estimon of Boca Raton, Florida, took it upon himself to try and make lonely kids' lunchtimes better by founding a school club called We Dine Together.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Teen Recruits Popular Friends to Revamp Lunchtime at High School

Denis Estimon moved to the US with his parents from Haiti when he was a young boy. Integrating into the American lifestyle proved difficult for him, and he often found himself sitting alone at lunch and feeling left out in general.

However, things began to change for Denis. He became acclimated to life in the states and found more confidence in himself. Eventually, he found himself as a part of the "popular" crowd of kids at Boca High School in Boca Raton, Florida.

Yes, life was good for Denis, but he couldn't shake the memories of being the kid who was left out of everything. He couldn't forget the pain and isolation of sitting alone at lunch every single day at school with no one to talk to.


A New Life

Denis decided to take action. He thought that if he wasn't willing to step up and make a change, how could he expect anyone else to? He often saw kids sitting alone at lunchtime like he used to.

Most of them were simply ignored by the more popular crowd, and Denis knew firsthand how that could hurt. He knew he didn't want any of his schoolmates to feel how he did back in his younger years when he didn't fit in, reports CBS News.

So, Denis made a plan and recruited some of his friends to help. Together, they started a club and named it We Dine Together. The mission was simple and effective. Members of the club would seek out kids who were alone at lunchtime and eat with them.

This was no easy task with over 3,400 students flooding the courtyard during lunchtime. Still, there were quite a few members of the club that soon turned into an organization. They all did their best to help make lunch less lonely for others.

We Dine Together

Friendships began to develop in the most unlikely of places. Kids who would have never met otherwise were realizing they had much in common with some of their classmates. New kids finally had someone to talk to. If you've ever been the new kid in school, you know how intimidating the first few weeks, or even months, can be.

The club became so popular at Boca High, a news team reported on it and the report went viral on YouTube. It has over 2.5 million views, 46,000 likes, and nearly 4,000 comments.

What Really Matters

Most of the comments are about how so many can relate to feeling alone in high school and what a great concept We Dine Together is. Ending loneliness at Boca High was just the first step in Denis's plan. He wanted the concept to extend to other schools across the country.

But, the best part is that the anti-bullying group, Be Strong, took notice of Denis's efforts and included the We Dine Together club into its activities, reports The Boca Voice. Together, they are making a difference at schools across the United States.

You Matter

Can you imagine feeling so left out, and one day some of the coolest kids in school started hanging out with you? It must feel like a dream come true for some. And what is truly inspiring in today's "all about me" world is the effect the club is even having on its very own members.

Gene, one of Denis's friends, actually quit the football team to dedicate more time to the club. He gave up all the notoriety and other perks that come with being on the football team. He says he's okay losing out on the possibility of a football scholarship to do this because this is what matters.

Another club member, Allie, is brought to tears in the video describing how she felt when she first transferred to Boca High School. You can see in her tears that this issue is close to heart with her.

Well, we are chilled to the bone. If you lost faith in today's youth, this should be a clear redemption. The club is forming charters at other schools in the United States in hopes of making a difference.

A Lesson to be Learned

In days where it sometimes feels like hope is lost for future generations comes a story like this one. It seems like many adults could take a cue from these teenagers, too.

Let us know your thoughts, and don't forget to share this video with all of your friends and family.

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