Polish Online Auctioning Platform Releases Heartwarming Christmas Ad

Dec 17, 2019 by apost team

With the Christmas holidays just around the corner, many businesses are joining the race to see who will claim the title of “best Christmas Ad” of the year. 

Allegro, a Polish online auction site similar to Ebay, might have proved to be a force to be reckoned with in 2016, with an Ad that is still arguably one of the best we’ve seen so far.

The Advertisement shows an elderly Polish man buying a book titled “English for Beginners” from the website.

 When the book finally arrives, the man is shown to be ecstatic as he takes on his challenge to master the English language.


As the months go by, the man adds post-its to many of his belongings (and dog) in an attempt to learn to memorize the English names for them. 

He even uses the CD that persumably came with the book and listens to it through his headphones throughout the day, repeating the new phrases he learns.

The man seems to be taking his challenge more and more seriously and starts watching films in English as well. There is even a scene where he professes his love for one of his rubber ducklings in the shower.

As the ad comes to its end, the viewer realizes he was learning English to be able to speak to his granddaughter who lives abroad. 

You can watch the full advertisement in the video below: 

What is your favorite Christmas advertisement? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!