Policeman Rescues Toddler After Mother Left Her In A Locked Car Overnight

Oct 21, 2019 by apost team

When it comes to toddlers, the majority of parents watch over them constantly, practically never letting them out of sight. Occasionally, however, some parents behave negligently even when in charge of the welfare of these most vulnerable little ones. In a story out of Florida, a mom’s addiction to alcohol led to her 3-year-old daughter being placed in a deadly predicament.

As reported by ABC News, 33-year-old Casey Dylan Keller of Sanford, Florida traveled to a liquor store with her little girl back in June when she forgot to take her child out of the car. Keller left the little girl in an open parking lot near her apartment complex overnight with the windows shut.

Coming to her senses later that morning, Keller called the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office for help. Trying to mask her negligence, Keller told 911 dispatch that her car had been stolen with her daughter inside.


Deputy Bill Dunn responded to Keller’s call, reaching the parking lot after the 3-year-old child was locked in the vehicle for 12 hours. As the little one was in bad shape, Deputy Dunn decided that he had to drive her to the hospital himself and not wait for an ambulance. The deputy’s dramatic rescue was recorded as he runs through the parking lot clutching the child to his chest.

Additional footage of the rescue was filmed through Deputy Dunn’s body camera. Racing to the hospital in his squad car, Deputy Dunn coached the little girl to breathe, telling her that she was going to be okay and that she should try to focus on talking to him. Throughout the ride, the child drifted in and out of consciousness. Thankfully, doctors were able to treat the little girl at the hospital and she made a full recovery.

Nevertheless, Deputy Dunn feared for the girl’s life and was shocked by the child’s rapid heartbeat when he took her pulse. Later photos show Deputy Dunn reunited with the little girl at the hospital as she gives him a big hug in appreciation for everything he did for her.

ABC News reported that Keller was later charged with child neglect with great bodily harm for the incident. The 33-year-old mom has two other children who are now being taken care of by other family members.

What do you think of Deputy Dunn’s rescue of the little girl? Do you think that Keller should be punished for the incident or forced to seek treatment for her alcohol problem? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along.