Police Take Elsa Away In Handcuffs After Polar Vortex Freezes The Area

Feb 08, 2019 by apost team

It’s colder than it has been in 20+ years! Schools have been canceled, mail isn’t being delivered, and citizens are being warned to layer and bundle up before leaving their homes as they could risk losing toes and fingers when exposed.

Weather usually doesn’t have a culprit but this time we know who is in charge of this winter wonder mess.

Temperatures even fell further and kept falling until new record lows were reached. It was an astonishing -30° Fahrenheit in Wisconsin and that isn’t even taking the wind chill into effect.

Chicago has reached temperatures lower than Antarctica and the famous Mount Everest. The wind chill has the air feeling a frozen -50°. In temperatures that low, frost bite can occur in a quick five minutes.


In McLean, IL, they have had enough of the freezing temps and have found the culprit. If you thought hard about it, you would have likely come to the same conclusion. It’s time for her to be brought to justice for all of her wrong doing.

Elsa was taken into custody. It’s time to get this winter wonder mess under control. She won’t be running Arendell anytime soon.

Her arrest won’t likely end the freezing temps. But, maybe holding her captive will start to thaw things eventually.

Obviously, the McLean Police Department was just trying to find some humor in the current frigid temps.

Many seemed to find warmth in this post and have shared it quite a bit. McLean PD was shocked by the reaction. The post has had more than thousands of shares. It even made the news on national TV.

The images from the arrest were actually taken from South Carolina. This was an arrest that was made four years ago when Elsa found herself in some other kind of trouble.

We couldn't imagine the police would be wearing short sleeves in the weather these days in Illinois.

They might lose a finger or arm in these temps!

Hopefully the Snow Queen will understand the result of her actions and soon start to thaw things out.

What did you think of this fun way to deal with the polar vortex? Be sure and send this on to others for a great laugh. It’s not every day that you see Elsa with handcuffs on!