Police Officer Saves Dog That Was Bound With Duct Tape And Dumped Into Freezing Ditch

Mar 07, 2019 by apost team

There is an anonymous police officer making headlines in the state of Missouri. The unidentified officer saved a dog who was left on the side of the road.

Not only was the dog abandoned, but his previous owner had tied his legs together with tape. The dog's mouth was also taped shut.

This represents one of the more sinister ways that a person abandons their dog. The sheriff deputy of Jefferson County rescued the dog and promised to bring about justice. He has chosen to remain unnamed in this case.


As told by FOX news, The dog has been named Jimmy since the rescue. The police officer was driving down a country road and saw the poor dog in a ditch. According to FOX, the dog had been left for 12 hours without any food, water or freedom to move.

Many people may have passed by the ditch, but the poor dog was unable to call out for help. It is a true miracle that the dog was found at all.


Jimmy was shivering from the cold weather and appeared to be very hungry. There was no time to spare when the officer found the poor animal. He rushed Jimmy to the local Ivan Animal Hospital to receive medical treatment.

The veterinarians reported that Jimmy was fighting for his life despite all of the terrible events he had experienced that day.

An official video was released from the sheriff's office to provide an update on Jimmy's condition. The dog looked happy and healthy even a short time after he had been rescued.

At first, the police officers weren't expecting to catch the person who had tied up and abandoned the dog. These crimes are very difficult to trace. It seemed that love and attention were all that the officers could offer Jimmy.

All hope would have been lost if it were not for the quick-thinking officer who saved the dog. The anonymous hero had the forethought to take the tape to a lab for testing. After peeling back some of the layers, technicians were able to find a fingerprint.

Police tracked down a man by the name of Paul Garcia. He has since been arrested after admitting to the crime. He is being charged with animal abuse.

Jimmy has been recovering well since the incident. The love and support shown by the officers is certainly helping this dog overcome his traumatic experiences. The officer who saved Jimmy has asked to remain anonymous. He will forever be known as the Good Samaritan who saved the innocent life of a cute dog named Jimmy.

What did you think about this rescue? Would you have done the same? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!