Police Office Catches Glimpse Of Student's Phone, Realizes He's Been Set Up

Oct 29, 2018 by apost team

There has been so much negativity lately concerning police officers. It seems like every day we are reading or hearing about another police officer who is abusing their authority. We have to keep reminding ourselves that there is still honor in the law enforcement profession. Watch this video and you'll see what I mean.

With all the bad publicity being strewn at our police officers, it's refreshing to see the real side of the profession. Officer Mitch Brouillette, Officer Mitch for short, is a true testament to the profession. When he decided to become a police officer, he made two pledges to himself. One was to not be a jerk and the other was to not be fat.


He's upheld both of his pledges. He is currently stationed at Heritage High School in Brentwood, CA. Having a police officer on campus could be a daunting experience for some students if it weren't for Officer Mitch's personable disposition. And, Officer Mitch is anything but daunting.

While the students have had the good fortune of having him there for protection, he has managed to create a special bond with many of them. He has personally interacted with several students in ways that could very well end up being life-changing.

His students wanted to be able to show him how much they appreciated everything that he did for them. So, they set him up for a huge surprise. The school partnered with the "Dude.BeNice" organization and created a sentimental testament to Officer Mitch.

The students got together and managed to make a video of individual testimonials from different students professing their admiration for this honorable man. Watch this video and see how they tricked him into watching their video by telling him he needed to view something inappropriate that one of the students had on their phone.

Officer Mitch was hardly able to control his emotions when he saw the outpouring of affection and admiration from his students. Then, they led him outside where the entire student body was waiting and honored him with a celebration including an impressive flash mob of one of his favorite songs, "Downtown," by Macklemore.

They even had a stage set up and kept the celebration going. Officer Mitch is a huge Miami sports fan as well as a member of his police department's softball team. The students took the time to write personal messages on softballs for him as well as buying him some Miami Heat tickets and a jersey. Watch the video and see this amazing act of genuine appreciation.

How's that for positive recognition! Do you know someone who deserves to be honored like this? Let us know!