Pilot Saves 148 Passengers During Earthquake, Says The Grace Of God Helped Him

Oct 31, 2018 by apost team

Sometimes, it seems like miracles no longer exist. We always hear about miracles happening hundreds of years ago, but it seems like they have completely vanished. In one amazing story, an Indonesian pilot named Ricoseta Mafella began believing in the power of miracles again. According to him, one awe-inspiring miracle before a flight saved his life.

Mafella is a devout man who tends to hum worship music as he pilots his flights. On one fateful day, something seemed different. On September 28, Mafella felt like God was calling him to praise and worship aloud. Instead of humming, the commercial pilot began to actually sing.


From that moment on, a strange set of coincidences fell in order like dominoes. After singing, strong winds suddenly appeared. Mafella had to wait an extra 9 minutes before he landed in Palu. As passengers boarded for the next flight, it felt like something was nudging Mafella. He heard a voice say that he quickly needed to get out of that place.

Instead of ignoring the voice, Mafella immediately jumped into action. The passengers were quickly loaded into the plane, and the flight departed 3 minutes earlier than it was supposed to. Those short minutes made the difference between life and death.

Soon after Mafella flew into the open sky, an earthquake struck the ground below. The earthquake hit exactly 3 minutes after the flight left. Unfortunately, the earthquake ended up causing a number of deaths. An air traffic controller named Anthonius Agung, ended up dying during the earthquake. Agung was the controller who allowed Mafella to leave early.

Whether this was a divine miracle or a lucky coincidence, the passengers are speechless about what happened. There were 148 passengers on that flight who could have died in the earthquake. When Mafella returned to Palu later, he saw the devastation of the earthquake and a tsunami. Thankfully, Mafella only saw the tsunami's waves from the safety of his plane.

If this story absolutely amazed you, make sure to show it to your friends. Do you think that this is an example of a miracle or just a coincidence?