Pianist Plays Hilarious 'Evolution Of Music' Medley From 1680 To Present Day

Feb 02, 2020 by apost team

At a point in time, the internet went crazy with “evolution” videos.

Here, in a video recently uploaded by Vinheteiro, a channel that is dedicated to showcasing impressive musical performances, you can witness the evolution of music.  

Evolution videos are the videos such as “Evolution of Dance” that was posted by Judson Laipply online in 2006. It has been a while since this clip was posted, but it was the most viewed video on YouTube for a long time.

The concept of this video, showing the evolution of dance moves over the years, has shown that like videos could expect similar viral success. 


The pianist plays music that starts all the way back in 1680 AD and goes up to 2017 at the time the clip was posted.  “Canon in D” by Pachelbel is first. It gets even more complicated from there continuing on to Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin, and Schubert just to name a few. This leads us all the way into the 1800s.

But the pianist is only getting warmed up. He then plays Eric Satie, Tchaikovsky, and Korsakov to lead us into the 1900s. For the 1900s, he played “The Entertainer” and “Clair de Lune” to follow. As he gets into the 1970s, he starts to play “Disco Inferno” and the Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams.” Into the ‘90s, he plays “Barbie Girl” and “Blue.” Going into the 2000s, he hits it off with Beyonce’s “Halo” and “Telephone” by Lady Gaga. These pieces blend together and the pianist plays them with seemingly little effort.

This video has gone viral and gotten over 18 million views since!  What do you think about this performance? Tell us in the comments and pass his incredible  talent on to your friends and loved ones.