Stranger Helps Calm Down Mother's Young Child At Grocery Store

May 16, 2019 by apost team

If you’re a mother, you know how overwhelming yet rewarding your job can be. Even though it is worth every second, sometimes it is just a little frustrating to keep your small children under control, especially in public places.

One mother from Pearland, Texas, knows this all too well. Her name is Rebecca Patterson, and after posting a recent photo from her trip to Target the mom has gone viral, ABC reported.

Her children are 2-years-old and 2-months-old, and she recently found out just how hard it can be to get her everyday tasks done with these small and easily bored children. After heading into a store, her children both decided to throw temper tantrums and Rebecca was unsure of what to do.

Thankfully, a kind stranger decided to step in and turn their day around.

Having children means that their needs come before anything else, even your own needs and emotions. So when Rebecca needed to head into Target to do some shopping for things the house needed, her children weren’t necessarily in the mood to do the same. Although she only needed a few things and wasn’t going to be gone long, her children weren’t having it.

But once she started shopping, both of her children started crying and having outbursts at the same time.

Obviously, this sort of uncontrollable tantrum in public can be embarrassing for mothers who appear to not have their children under control. But mothers around the world who have seen the photo she posted have sympathized with Rebecca because they know how difficult it can be to calm down children in public.

While other shoppers walked past her and avoided the scene, one stranger stopped from the kindness of her heart and decided to help the overwhelmed mother. While trying to calm her kids down to no avail, another woman decided to step in and ask if she needed help.

Although she never verbally said yes, she handed the 2-year-old off to the woman to comfort him. While the woman, named Tiffany Guillory, coddled the child and calmed him down, Rebecca decided to snap a photograph that would later go viral online.

Now, Tiffany is speaking out about the story, stating that Rebecca looked at her like she was an angel. Obviously, it’s clear that Rebecca was very thankful for Tiffany’s kind and welcoming actions that day.

You can learn more about this story in the video below:

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