Paw Print Art Is A Thing Now And It's Made At Home With Your Dog

Apr 21, 2020 by apost team

Most of us can name a few famous artists off the top of our heads: Rembrandt, Picasso, Monet, Warhol. But how about Snoopy, Rin Tin Tin, and Lassie? The latest art décor trend is turning Fido’s paw prints into works of art.

Instagram is filling up with creative painting using the human artist’s pet paw print art. Who could have guessed that doggie paws could make such enchanting pictures? With a few extra brushstrokes, your pooch’s paw print becomes a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

So how can you make some very personal art with your dog’s paw? It’s easy and fun. First, consider your canvas. You could get an actual canvas from a craft supply store, but you could also use a piece of wood, stiff cardboard, or cardstock. The size will depend on the size of your dog’s paw print and what you picture you intend to make.

For paint, use non-toxic acrylic paint. It will leave a great colored impression and is easy to wash off the paws. You could either put some paint in a dish and press his paw into it, or carefully paint his pads.

Gently put his paw down on the canvas, rolling the pads a little like taking a fingerprint. This will make sure you get the best impression. Have a damp cloth handy to wipe the paint off right away. You don’t want to let your dog add any paw prints to the floor!

The example here show the paw prints cleverly transformed into flowers by adding a few strokes to give the impression of soft petals. A few long curving lines for leaves completes the illusion.

But why limited yourself to flowers? Paw prints could be transformed into anything: planets, trees, flying saucers, or even other critters (turtles? ladybugs?). Use the paw prints in the background or around the edge to frame something in the middle. The fact that it’s your own dog’s print will make anything you do with it extra special.

Once you and your dog have finished this fun work of art, make sure to take a picture of your pooch next to his paw print production. Maybe he could even have his paw on the picture. People will naturally compare the real paw to the painted one.

Then go ahead and add the pics to Instagram. Who needs Picasso when you have a dog? Be sure to tell others about this wonderful home project they can do with their adorable pup.