Paul Rudd Is About To Save The World - And The Internet Is Living For It

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

MCU fans, the wait is over. The highly-anticipated trailer for the next Avengers movie has dropped, and boy is there a lot to unwrap. But for brevity purposes, we are going to focus on just one aspect of Avengers: Endgame: everybody's favorite superhero (and maybe even human), Paul Rudd's Ant-Man.

As we all remember, we last left the Avengers on a pretty dark note. Thanos was victorious and pretty much half the universe was annihilated. Seems like all was lost for not just our heroes, but also all of mankind, right? Not so fast, guys.

The end of the otherwise bummer-of-a-trailer brings back the most comical of the MCU gang, Scott Lang, AKA Ant-Man. And we see Captain America (at what appears to be the Avengers headquarters in upstate New York) pretty stoked about this.

Not to mention that that just might be the mini-quantum tunnel in that van. Social media has been abuzz since the trailer’s release and a lot of it involves the usual glee that most movies that star Paul Rudd garner:

"The Avengers trailer is a metaphor for life. Life is really s**t and you don't know what to do, and then Paul Rudd arrives to reassure you that everything is going to be ok."

But what does it all mean? Well, as we are wont to do, social media has gone off the rails with all sorts of wild speculation; including that Paul Rudd would be the main one responsible for rescuing the universe and exterminating the mighty Thanos.

But what makes Ant-Man so special? Well, considering that he broke out of the Quantum Realm somehow, all without the assistance of the heroes who succumbed to Thanos, he must have some sort of trickery up his sleeve, trickery that could also be vital to bringing order back.

So is Ant-Man going to save the universe or he is just there as comic relief and eye candy? Here's to hoping that it's a little bit of both. We still have over four months to speculate on this, so let's make sure we exhaust all possibilities!