Patients Comforted By Llamas In San Antonio Rehab Center

Dec 23, 2019 by apost team

The residents at the Stockdale Residence and Rehab Center in the outskirts of San Antonio, Texas, have been having Llamas grace the facility with their larger than life presence.

So many of the residents said the llamas helped them feel relaxed that a local high school student investigated the angelically soft animals for a research project.

Each of these 6-foot tall creatures weighs in at about 300 pounds. Each one also carries a ton of happiness and love to the people who call Stockdale home. Residents reportedly enjoy petting and brushing their velvety fur.

Fifteen-year-old high school student, Zoe, conducted a research experiment to see the effects the llamas were having on the resident's physical health. She found that residents' blood pressure was reduced 66% of the time after interacting with the llamas. "People were more alert and just happier," Zoe told Inside Edition

Carol Tutledge is Zoe's mother and raises the llamas on her farm. She told Inside Edition that “people’s hearts melt” when they are around them. Besides visiting the residences at the rehab center the llamas will also make house calls.

These gentle giants illustrate the profound connection we all have with animals. Did you grow up on a farm with large animals such as llamas, or is there currently a special pet in your life? Tell us your thoughts below. Pass this article on to your friends and family.