Passengers Notice Crying Soldier At The Airport - The Reason For His Tears Is Heartwarming

Nov 06, 2018 by apost team

When a soldier received word that his wife was in labor, he was in a hurry to get home so that he could be with her when their daughter was born. Unfortunately, his flight was delayed, which meant that he was unable to get to the hospital in time for the birth.

Brooks Lindsey wanted to get home more than anything so that he could be with his wife during the final stages of her pregnancy. When Haley went to her doctor for her final checkup, her doctor decided to go ahead and induce her that day. Haley would deliver their baby about two weeks early due to the baby being in distress. Haley also developed pre-eclampsia, a medical condition that would make her blood pressure increase if the baby wasn't delivered quickly.

Haley contacted the Red Cross to get in touch with Brooks. The organization alerted Brooks that his wife was in labor and that he needed to get home to her. Brooks was ready to board his flight, but only a few hours before departure, he received a message that Haley's water broke. After that, Brooks learned that the flight was delayed by about two hours, making it difficult to decide whether to board at the time or try to get on another flight. He knew that he wouldn't be able to make it in time to be in the delivery room.

Brooks' mother sent a video to him via FaceTime so that he could see everything in the delivery room. No one paid attention to her as she recorded the birth while he watched!

Watch as Brooks is in tears while he FaceTimes his wife in the delivery room and hears his daughter cry for the first time. Did this video touch your heart? Let us know in the comments which moment in your life you'd never want to miss!