Paralyzed Diver Does Unthinkable In Latest Attempt At Annual Tradition

Nov 06, 2018 by apost team

Ambition can get one far in life and can get people to do what they and others had previously thought was impossible. This was the case with Cliff Devries who managed to accomplish the unthinkable.

Cliff, a former two-time All-American diver, is paralyzed on his right side. This was due to a brain tumor he was diagnosed with 20 years ago. While he underwent surgery that successfully removed the tumor, he was stricken with paralysis that prevented him from doing what he loved.

Nearly a decade later in 2006, Cliff founded Upstate New York Diving. His program became one of the most successful in the country for aspiring divers. While he used his knowledge to coach students from the sidelines, he missed his time in the water.

It was this desire that led him to begin what would become an annual birthday tradition. Every year since 2008, Cliff heads to the Rochester Institute of Technology where he climbs the ladder at Judson Pool. He walks to the edge of the board, and proceeds to jump into the water despite his paralysis.

Cliff's annual birthday dives have made him a popular figure on the internet. With every dive Cliff has his son Corey (who is also a diver) stand on the board with him to help maintain stability. This is because there are many things that can go wrong, as it very nearly did in 2017.

During this particular dive, Cliff climbed up onto the board, but there was a brief moment when Cliff lost his balance. He fell backwards but was caught just in time by his son. Back on his feet, Cliff was able to successful perform his dive.

This year Cliff wanted to outdo that earlier dive. To do so, Cliff considered the idea of performing a back dive -- something he was sure he didn't have the ambition to do. However, as you'll see in the clip, he attempts to do just that, and what he does is simply astonishing.

Be sure to watch the clip below, and feel free to spread the word to everyone you know so that they too can be inspired by Cliff's dedication and ambition. Also, be sure to let us know what you think in the comments!