Owner Creates Social Media Page To Return The Shoes Her Cat Steals

Aug 21, 2020 by apost team

Earlier this August, BJ Ross from Altoona, Pennsylvania, created a Facebook group to address one of her pet cat Jordan’s dirty habits: stealing their neighbors’ shoes.

Cats are notorious for their mischievous behavior. They might decide to make "human things" into cat toys. Even when owners spend a decent sum of money on excellent toy mice, birds, and more, cats may opt to use other things. Those things can include shoes.

One cat owner discovered her cat liked to "borrow" shoes from around the neighborhood. So, she took to social media to ensure all the missing footwear has a good chance of returning to the rightful owners. A cat named Jordan doesn't mean to be a burglar, he's only playing around. Cats don't understand the concept of personal property. Cats do believe the night belongs to them. So, when they escape the confines of their homes, they might get into trouble after sunset.

As Bored Panda reported, some of that trouble appears to include stealing shoes. Jordan knows how to travel around the neighborhood looking for shoes. He's taken them from some relative far-away houses. Luckily, Jordan's sense of navigation is excellent. He always finds his way back home. To his owner's chagrin, he often returns with someone's shoe.


Jordan truly is a cat burglar. Granted, he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. And his owner works hard at setting right the matter. She started a Facebook page dedicated to assisting the shoes' former owners become rightful owners once again.

The humorous Facebook page does draw attention from the local community. Perhaps a decent number of views come from elsewhere, as cat lovers might want to know about Jordan's antics.

And don't think the volume of shoes collected by Jordan is minimal. The feline has brought home a surprising number of shoes. One picture of his owner shows she has her hands full, literally. And there's something else that's eye-catching.

There are matching pairs of shoes in the picture. Jordan couldn't likely carry both back home at once. Did he take one shoe and then returned to get the other one? That might be what took place. If the shoes go back to where they belong, will Jordan steal them again? Time will tell.

And why not tell your cat-lover friends about Jordan's story. Maybe mention it in cautionary terms. Let them know a cat might take their shoes if they leave them outside.