Overprotective Dad Won't Let Strangers Near His Pup

Jul 28, 2020 by apost team

Dogs are known for being protective and territorial. This is commonly displayed when they bark at strangers who get too close to them, their food, their owner, or their home.

In the animal world, the mothers are often the primary protectors of their young, and they are known to become very aggressive when a predator is nearby. However, fathers will certainly do their part to shield their babies from danger as well. This is exactly what one golden retriever did when a human got a bit too close to his pup. Luckily, Xiaohui Tian got this dog's adorable protective personality on video, which The Dodo shared with its subscribers back in 2018.

A Heartwarming Sign of Fatherly Love

The moment was captured on video and has already warmed the hearts of many people. It shows the dad hunching over the pup with both paws wrapped protectively around its neck and chest. The little pup is sitting comfortably underneath her daddy’s chin and seems to not have a care in the world.

The dad, however, is focused on the human that is attempting to touch his pup. Throughout the video, the adult dog adjusts his position to continuing shielding his puppy from the human with each new attempt that the person makes.


An Anxious Wag

Throughout most of the video, viewers can see the dad’s tail wagging. While a wagging tail is often associated with playfulness and happiness in a dog, it can also reflect anxiousness or agitation, according to Pet Central.

The human seems to understand that the father is not comfortable with the situation, and he continues to approach the puppy and her dad with a high level of care.

The Love of a Parent

Protecting offspring is a basic animal instinct that is associated with maternal love and survival in many mammal species. However, this video is only one of many examples of a father doing the same for his baby as any mother would do.

This is the perfect tribute that shows the unwavering love of a parent, and it will undoubtedly warm your soul.

Have you seen the video yet? Our readers would love to know about any similar events that you have witnessed personally, so please leave your story below and make sure to pass it on to your friends and loved ones.