Orphaned Kitten Has Nowhere To Turn, Pleads With Mama Dog To Adopt Her

Oct 07, 2020 by apost team

It is often said that animals have bigger hearts than humans, and while this may not hold true in the wild, domestic animals are a prime example of this. In a nurturing environment, different animals can live together under one roof with great friendship and warmth. In this video from 2020, we learn about Toast, a well-beloved pet dog, and the small kitten that she adopted after it followed her home one day.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

When Lucie and her dog, Toast were out for a walk, they spotted a small kitten just outside of their home. The kitten was malnourished and was in no way hostile towards them. When the little kitten saw Lucie and Toast on the street, she was overwhelmed with joy and quickly walked towards Toast. Although Toast was larger than the kitten, she was surprisingly gentle with her. After the encounter, Lucie and Toast left the kitten on the street thinking that her mother was somewhere nearby.

While going back inside their house, however, they realized that they were still being followed by the small kitten. Her mother was still nowhere to be seen, and Lucie was unsure if helping the kitten was the best idea. Lucie eventually welcomed the kitten into her home and says in the video below that she noticed the kitten had grown an attachment to Toast. Wherever Toast went, the kitten would follow behind. At some point during the day, the little kitten had adopted Toast as her mother.


The next day, Lucie had begun to fill Toast's food bowl, only to have the young kitten jump into the bowl and begin eating. Toast sat idly by and watched the young kitten eat to her heart's content with evident admiration. She later joined the kitten and the two enjoyed the breakfast together.

After breakfast, the two spent the rest of the day together, and their chemistry was simply amazing. For animals so different, Lucie was surprised that they got along so well. The kitten soon found her favorite sleeping spot, too. After a long day, she fell asleep in between Toast's leg and stomach. Later in the day, Lucie even witnessed the kitten attempting to breastfeed, and while the kitten was not her biological daughter, Toast treated her just as she would her own child. Toast assisted in grooming the kitten, as well as lifting her in her mouth to help her onto high places.

This maternal instinct can be seen in plenty of animals when a younger animal is in trouble. Toast, having just become a mother, would now always be protective of the young kitten. Lucie recalls that at one point, the kitten walked a bit too close to the pool, causing Toast to become anxious and quickly bring her back inside the home.

This behavior usually occurs as a mutualistic relationship between animals. Although experts are not sure what causes this behavior, they believe that animals act on instincts to protect one another.

Lucie later told the media that she has always believed that animals act solely upon instincts. She believes now that Toast has plenty of human-like aspects, seeing that she acts upon emotions rather than animalistic nature.

You can watch the video below to see the beautiful bond unfold: 

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