Old Man Falls to the Ground While Checking Mailbox, Driver Quickly Stops Traffic To Help

Jan 29, 2019 by apost team

In this heartwarming act of kindness, a driver in Tennessee stops in the middle of traffic in order to help an older man who had fallen.

The man was too close to the highway, where he was in danger of being hit by traffic. He may not have been able to get up in time if it wasn't for this man.

Many drivers are in too big of a hurry to pay close attention while they are driving. It can be easy for unaware drivers to pass by a situation that could use their attention, or to not be aware of something like this.

But this man from Tennessee didn't just keep driving. When he saw that an older man take a fall, so close to ongoing traffic, he just couldn't help but just out and save him.


The whole thing was caught on video by a woman named Libby Miller. She was driving down a road that was narrow and came to a sudden unexpected stop.

In front of the line of care that had stopped, a black Malibu sat with its hazard lights on.

Libby Miller realized that the driver had left his vehicle. She was then surprised to see him walk across highway towards an older man who was struggling to get to his feet.

The older man had been simply checking his mail when he lost his balance and fell to the ground. He was struggling standing up until the man shows up and helped him back up.

Finally, the line started to move and the older man drove his truck away.

Later, Miller wrote a post on Facebook about the event, which took place in Mt. Juliet. She says "kindness still exists in our community" and that she hoped this warmed others' hearts.

The older man later reported that he had only scraped his knee and sustained no serious injuries. Falling can be a serious problem for our aged population, and they may struggle if they fracture or bruise their ankle or hip.

His wife reported that a car had driven by so fast that it caused him to lose his balance, causing the fall. But thankfully, the car didn't hit him.

It's a good reminder to always pay attention when on the road. Make sure others get to hear about this random act of kindness and inspire your community to help out too.