Ohio Teenager Lifts Up Car to Save Trapped Neighbor

Dec 23, 2019 by apost team

With the average car weighing in at over 4,000 pounds, most people are skeptical when they read headlines about a Good Samaritan saving a life by lifting such an immense weight. A teenager made just such an incredible headline go viral after saving his neighbor’s life.

Meet Zac Clark

Zac is just 16 years old. He’s not a professional bodybuilder or even unusually strong or large. He’s just your typical Ohio teenager. Yet, he recently summoned unimaginable strength to save his neighbor from certain death, reports the Washington Post.

He and his mom, Lora Clark, heard a neighbor’s wife yelling frantically for help. They ran over to find the man pinned underneath a car from his waist up. The man was presumably changing a tire when something happened to the jack, which caused the car to collapse atop him.


The man’s plight was life-threateningly serious. Zac and Lora sprang into action, but their efforts to lift the car didn’t work. Lora stopped and went over to see if her neighbor was still showing signs of life. Suddenly, the car lifted just enough to allow the man to wiggle free.

Zac had somehow managed to find the strength to lift the car all by himself.

They finished helping the man free himself, and the paramedics arrived to take him to the hospital. While he suffered a lot of facial bruising and multiple broken ribs, he’s likely only alive to recover thanks to Zac.

While the trapped man doesn’t wish to be identified, Lora says that her neighbor has expressed how thankful he is to her and Zac, the Washington Post said.

Zac’s story is one of many where unfathomable strength has saved lives, but it’s also causing readers to wonder if and how such is even possible. After all, some of the strongest people in the world can only deadlift less than 1,200 pounds.

Yet, there are countless stories of just such seemingly impossible feats of human strength. A 22-year-old found her father being crushed by a BMW 525i after his carjack slipped. She, too, somehow found the strength to pull it off him and save his life, reports New York Daily News.

Former world-class weightlifter and University of Washington professor and vice chair of bioengineering Michael Regnier explained in an NBC interview that he had experienced his own super strength incident. A car wreck victim was trapped by a collapsed door, and Regnier ripped the door right off its hinges.

How? According to Regnier, most people can lift up to seven times their body weight, but most people don’t push themselves that far due to fear, pain, and other contradicting signals telling the body not to try or stop. He says that it’s a combination of stress-related endorphins and emotions in these life or death situations that enable such seemingly impossible feats of strength.

Whatever the how or why, multiple people have survived thanks to someone coming along to amazingly lift a vehicle off of them. Do you know of a similar real-life event? Tell us all your thoughts in the comments section, and please don’t forget to spread this story to others.