Obese Man Is So Inspired By Engagement To Childhood Sweetheart That He Drops 317 Pounds

Oct 04, 2019 by apost team

There are times in our lives when something happens which opens up our horizons for the future. One such event in our lives is the time of engagement. For many, it is a moment that is special in the fact that one draws a fine line between what was before in their lives and how that is going to be changed in the future.

The changes that come with engagement are those that are supposed to take you to the altar. Many people decide at this period between engagement and the big day just what they need to change about themselves. Some people decide to lose some weight. While it does not sound like a big deal, for one man it was everything.

John Allaire found it not so easy to make this change after his engagement. He had to work extra hard to lose a staggering 300 pounds before his wedding day. Caila, his childhood sweetheart, loved him so much that she committed to marrying him even though he was 540 pounds.


Although she did not mind, John was in no order going to take Calia to the altar and bring her into the struggling life of obesity. He decided that he must lose weight so she does not share his daily struggle in her future.

The first thing John realized was that overeating for him was a way to deal with stress. When he was a child and his parents divorced, food was a type of escape for him. He was already heavily obese at the age of 18. When his father died that year, things got even more extreme.

He lived in Florida for a couple of years. The only scale that could weigh him was a commercial scale from a fish house. It was humiliating for him to keep on using its services, so he stopped weighing himself altogether.

He asked Calia, his childhood sweetheart, to marry him. She said yes. Never did she ask him to lose weight. However, he realized that now his weight would be a problem not only for him but also for the woman he loved.

For the first weeks, he was only juicing and walking. With this, he lost about 20 pounds. He and his future wife moved because she was in the Navy. In their new San Francisco home, he joined the Camp Transformation Center -- an extensive weight loss boot camp. It was there that he lost 300 pounds in 15 months.

This transformation was long and extreme for him. He had to work every day towards the loss of this weigh. Even when he rested for some days, he never lost the intention to make it. The results are stunning -- John lost a total of 317 pounds since he was his heaviest weight.

What do you think of this amazing willpower to lose weight? Would you go through this type of ordeal for the one you love? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to inspire them today!