Nurse Who Helped In 'Miracle' Birth 22 Years Ago Learns Baby Grew Up To Become Her Daughter-In-Law

Jun 19, 2023 by apost team

Love stories often have a touch of serendipity, but the tale of Kelsey Poll and Tyler West takes coincidence to a whole new level. Their story began in Utah, where two families, unbeknownst to them, were destined to intertwine in the most remarkable way.

Kelsey Poll, a 22-year-old from Layton, Utah, never could have imagined that her journey would lead her to the woman who helped bring her into the world. It was a seemingly ordinary day when she and her fiancé, Tyler West, decided to flip through her baby photo album. As they perused the faded memories captured on those pages, they stumbled upon a photograph that would change their lives forever.

In the photograph, a nurse was seen tending to Kelsey as a newborn baby. To their astonishment, Tyler immediately recognized the woman as his own mother, Mary Ann West, a dedicated labor and delivery nurse at Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful, Utah. The couple's excitement and disbelief were palpable as they delved deeper into the revelation.

To validate their newfound connection, Kelsey and Tyler sought out tangible evidence. They located Kelsey's birth certificate, and there it was: the familiar handwriting of Mary Ann, solidifying the incredible coincidence. The couple's quest for confirmation didn't stop there. They hurriedly retrieved a video taken by Kelsey’s father on the day of her birth on June 15, 2001, hoping it would capture the extraordinary moment.

As they watched the video, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Tyler's mother was standing by Stacy Poll, Kelsey's mother, as she held her precious newborn daughter. The realization that their lives had unknowingly intersected over two decades ago was overwhelming.

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The story of the fated couple's connection was even more remarkable when considering the odds stacked against them. With around 400 births occurring annually at Lakeview Hospital, the chance of Mary Ann assisting in Kelsey's delivery seemed extremely small, according to The Washington Post. The families lived in different counties, and their paths had never crossed until that fateful day in August 2021 when Tyler walked into the credit union where Kelsey was working.

The bond between Mary Ann and Stacy during Kelsey's birth was undeniable as well as the baby’s birth was a “miracle.” Mary Ann, with her own experience of having a third child, provided support and reassurance to Stacy, easing her anxieties because she developed a “rare velamentous cord insertion” during her labor, per KSL. Stacy cherished the memory of her nurse’s kindness that she included her photo in her daughter's baby book, forever preserving the connection they shared.

When the couple finally introduced their parents to each other before their wedding, there was an unexplainable familiarity. Both mothers felt a strong sense of connection, albeit unknowingly. The revelation of Mary Ann being Stacy's delivery nurse was a poignant moment that left everyone astounded.

On May 25, 2023, surrounded by their loved ones, Kelsey and Tyler West exchanged their vows. Their guests were captivated by the extraordinary story of their union. 

"I had both my moms with me when I was born and you know that's something that's really touching," the bride said in an interview with Fox 13 News Utah

"When Kelsey was born, Mary Ann was the first one to say 'welcome to the world.' She touched Kelsey before I did," Stacy said. "For Kelsey to have both of her moms bond with her, is the most peaceful gift."

Kelsey has a profound sense of gratitude and belonging after realizing that the woman who helped bring her into the world is now her mother-in-law. Equally moved by the revelation, Mary Ann is overjoyed with the affirmation that having Kelsey as her daughter-in-law was meant to be. What can you say about this story? Pass it along to someone who may need some positive vibes!

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