No More Supermarket Garlic How To Grow Your Own Garlic Right At Home

Feb 22, 2017 by apost team

Garlic is a delicious addition to almost any dish but is also has amazing health benefits. Here’s how you can benefit from garlic and also how you can easily grow your own garlic right in your own yard!

Rich In Nutrition

Garlic contains some major medicinal properties, including vitamins B6, C, and selenium, calcium, manganese, and potassium. Even better, garlic is super low in calories, so there’s no guilt when you eat it!

Bulk Up Your Immune System

Garlic is great for boosting the immune system. It helps combat the common cold. If you include garlic in your daily diet, you could reduce the chance of getting sick by up to 63%!

Keep Your Heart Health In Check

Your heart health is important, and garlic can help! Eaten regularly, garlic can help reduce the risk for heart disease while processing cholesterol. 

Growing Your Own Garlic

Here’s how you can grow this super food right in your own yard:

  1. Break a garlic bulb into cloves and bury them in a couple inches of loose soil, keeping the pointed ends facing up.
  2. Water the soil when it feels dry. Do not overwater.
  3. If flowers sprout, cut them off to preserve the flavor. 
  4. Once the garlic has five or six leaves, it’s ready to use!

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