Nervous Veteran Turns Around And Sees His Former Military Dog Running Toward Him

May 25, 2019 by apost team

Molli Oliver is a veteran flight attendant currently working for United Airlines. Her true passion, however, is reuniting armed forces veterans with the retired service dogs with who they served. 

It is Molli's desire to give the dogs a second chance to spend their lives with the soldiers they bonded with while in service to their country overseas.

The love these dogs and soldiers possess for each other is immeasurable and Molli feels it is only right to give them an opportunity to live out their lives together in a post-combat environment.

The dog that is the focus of the current reunion goes by the name of Taylor. The Labrador retriever spent the majority of her life serving in Afghanistan and saved the lives of many U.S. soldiers by sniffing out bombs. She was so good at her job that according to the NBC, the Taliban even had a bounty on her head.

Molli secured a first class ticket for Taylor and she was flown to Boise, Idaho. There, Seargent Hanson waited anxiously for Taylor's arrival. 

"It's like a part of me has been missing and getting her back right now will make me whole again," Hanson told NBC

Taylor made eye contact with Seargent Taylor a few moments after she exited the plane. The reunion will touch the heart of even the most cynical of viewers. It is great to know that Seargent Hanson and Taylor will get to live out their days as a family.

Did it make you happy to see Seargent Hanson and Taylor reunited? Do you appreciate the efforts of Molli Oliver? Send the article and video of the reunion to everyone you know - you will surely brighten their day!