Motherhood Made Me Realise Who My Real Friends Are

Nov 14, 2018 by apost team

These ladies always make spending time with you a priority.
These ladies will bring you your favorite latte just because they felt like it.
These ladies will babysit your children just so you have some time to yourself.
These ladies always schedule dinner dates to reconnect.
These ladies help each other out when someone is going through a rough patch.
The ladies who you spent time with now are more than just friends to you. You share laughter, tears and support each other through everything.
These ladies love sharing their lives with you. Whether it be good, bad, or a struggle of motherhood that you understand.

These ladies will advise you through life and inspire you with their perseverance.

These ladies understand the difficulties that you go through raising your children because they’ve been through it. Images

Before you were a mother, your friendships were probably thriving and you were likely a social butterfly. You probably had a large group of people who you called friends, and all of them were open for any last minute rendezvous or trips that you wanted to take. You probably made friends everywhere you went, and you likely formed bonds quickly with strangers over common ideas.

At the time, you never took an inventory list of what your friendships were like, but now that you’re a mother, you look back and realize that those friendships were a reflection of what was important to you at the time- having fun and being free.

This makes sense when you’re not a mother because you’re only responsible for yourself. But it’s likely that from the minute you found out you were pregnant, everything changed with your relationships.

Besides a few, maybe the ones you’ve known since childhood or elementary school, you realized that people you called friends weren’t exactly what you thought.

You probably noticed that they rarely ever sent out invitations for you anymore, and the calls, texts, and messages all stopped rather abruptly. But at this moment of time, your real friendships showed themselves.

This is the time when your friendships were put up to a challenge and your lifelong friends showed their true and genuine selves. You may have even begun to realize how fortunate you actually were to have those that stuck around.

In the beginning stages of parenting, all of your time and energy is spent taking care of a small human being. The things you used to care about, like adventures and fleeting friendships, aren’t important to you anymore as you want real, meaningful and lasting connections.

The idea of gossiping and trivial conversation doesn’t appeal to you anymore, and you begin to be more selective about who you let into your circle.

You probably wished for another mother that you could find yourself relating to. You want someone to ask advice to about parenting without judgment. Because you matured so much when you became a mother, you long for a friend who shares these same qualities.

We aspire to connect with people that are going through the same path in life that we are. This helps us from feeling alone and makes us feel more normal in our day to day lives. It gives us a feeling of worthiness and value.

Now, your friendships may be few and far in between, but they are genuine and fulfilling.

These ladies understand the difficulties that you go through raising your children because they’ve been through it. They understand when you don’t have time to get together or talk, but they’ll always send an invitation.

These ladies will become your family after they teach you the true meaning of friendship. Do you know any women that fit this description? Who is your support system as a mother? Let us know in the comments - and don't forget to share!