Mother Sells Stillborn’s Crib — Week Later Buyer Returns It Restructured Into Bench

Sep 08, 2020 by apost team

Losing a child has to be the greatest tragedy that anyone could endure. Valerie Watts, 28, from Cokato, Minnesota, knows the pain of this devastation all too well as she lost her little boy before he was born.

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When Valerie found out she was pregnant for the first time, she was truly overjoyed. All she had ever wanted was to be a mom. Her protective mothering instinct immediately kicked in and she could not wait until the day when she would finally get to meet her baby boy, Noah.

Valerie reveled in all of the stages of pregnancy. She carefully picked out new clothes for Noah and set up the nursery in great anticipation. She looked for days until she finally found the perfect crib for her new baby.

Sadly, a few days before she was due to deliver, she noticed that the kicks from Noah were no longer present. Valerie was shocked when she was told by the doctor that Noah had passed away in the womb. The grieving mother had to deliver a stillborn baby, holding her lifeless son for the first and last time.

Understandably, it took the devastated mother a long time to be able to go through all of the items in the nursery. After about a year, she decided to have a yard sale so that she could let go of all of the nursery items. The crib was the hardest item to part with but she felt better knowing that it was going to a nice man named Gerald Kumpula. According to TODAY, the woodworker's wife, Lorene, learned of Noah's story after having a little talk with Valerie.

Valerie was amazed when Gerald came back to her house with the crib that he had remodeled into a beautiful chair. The kindness of a complete stranger in her moment of grief filled Valerie's sad heart.

You have to see this beautiful story to truly appreciate this act of kindness. After you have watched this inspirational video, be sure to spread the joy to everyone that you know.

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