Mother Finally Takes Her 4-Month-Old Puppy Shopping At Target And The Reaction Is Hilarious

Mar 19, 2019 by apost team

While it is becoming more acceptable to be accompanied by a dog in most places, many owners do not choose to take a dog shopping with them. One reason is the unpredictable nature of dogs when interacting with strangers for the first time.

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But recently, the internet fell in love with a Corgi who made a trip with her mother to a Target store for the first time.

The four-month-old pup goes by the name of Zira. She was taken to a series of pet-friendly stores by her mother who photographed her activities and uploaded them to a social media account.

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Zira became an instant star online and her photos were shared to other social media platforms as well as local news feeds. The Corgi's owners, Kasey and Jesse, also shared the photos of their dog on the popular Facebook page Love What Matters.

The couple shared how Zira falls in love with any object that is chewable for her. They explain their dog is extremely sociable and plays well with a pit bull named Poppy. Poppy is Zira's best friend. Zira loves to ride in cars and Kasey says the decision to bring the dog along for a trip to Target was a spur of the moment thing. She also says Zira loved it.

Zira met a new friend while on her first shopping trip. A woman in the store was stricken with the cuteness of the Corgi and could not help but share a kiss with the dog. 

When the couple returned home, they uploaded the photos of Kira's trip to Instagram. In two days the number of followers for the account exploded from 2000 to 42,000. Kasey said she even had to turn her phone off at times because of the attention given to Zira.

The photos did cause some controversy, however, as some critics pointed out that only service dogs are allowed to enter Target stores. Kasey and Jesse acknowledged their mistake, apologized to anyone who was offended, and now seek to make others aware that non-service dogs are only allowed in pet-friendly stores like Pet smart and Marshall's.

Despite the controversy, the experience was exciting for Zira and the photos are the cutest!

What did you think about this story? Did you enjoy the photos of Zira on her first shopping trip? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass these adorable photos along to all dog lovers out there – Zira will surely put a smile on their faces.