Mother Believes Twin Caught In Birth Canal Sacrificed Herself To Save Sister’s Life

Oct 29, 2019 by apost team

Being an expectant mother is one of the most exciting and trying times of a woman’s life. Hearing the heartbeat, eating weird foods, even planning a gender reveal party art part of planning for a new member of the family. While this time can be magical, sometimes, there can be troubling circumstances.

On average, 15 percent of expectant mothers experience pregnancy loss and grows in women over 35. Even though it seems like a small percentage, the thought of losing a baby, especially with mothers who struggle to get pregnant, can be traumatizing. For an English mother, her nightmare came true. Ashley Simons and her husband spent five years trying to conceive. After using pregnancy treatments, she became pregnant with twin girls. As any excited mother, Ashley began to prepare for her baby girls’ arrival. After buying twin bedding sets as well as matching clothing, an unfortunate situation occurred.

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While in the bathroom, Ashley began to feel pains and believed something dropped into her womb. She and her husband decided to call an ambulance to check on her twin girls, Isla and Esme. After being told she was in premature labor, doctors tried to stop Ashley’s contractions, but couldn’t because she was fully dilated. With the twins being only 24 weeks, the likelihood of them both surviving was unfortunately very small. After administering medicine to save the babies, doctors noticed one of the twins, named Esme, was planted in Ashley’s birth canal, slowing down their birthing process.

Esme’s gesture, despite resulting in her stillborn birth, is believed to have allowed her sister Isla to receive the necessary medicine to survive. Ashley and her husband believe that Esme was protecting Isla by allowing her to absorb the medicine and save her life. After Isla’s birth, Ashley created a foundation that makes care packages for parents that care for babies in the NICU. Her experience taught her the importance of feeling comfortable and have the essentials for self-care at the hospital while infants fight for their lives. Since Esme’s passing, Ashley and her husband make sure Isla remembers her late sister. Gifting Isla a bear with Esme’s heartbeat, Isla is taught about the sacrifice that her sister made for her.

If you know any mothers dealing with babies in NICU or even stillborn births, share this article with them and research how to emotionally support them through their journey.