Mother Bear Scolds Her Cub For Peeking Into Woman’s Window And The Footage Makes Rounds

Aug 23, 2020 by apost team

Last week, Summer Walser Williams and her husband were woken up by a nosy baby bear at their North Carolina home.

It was a moment almost too cute to be believed: a baby bear standing on its hind legs and peering through the front door of a home. But what happens next is so adorable, you won't be able to believe your eyes.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

In mid-August, Summer Walser Williams was woken up in the middle of the night by a strange commotion outside, as reported by The Dodo. When she headed to the front door, she saw an adorable baby bear standing on the front porch. And "standing" isn't a typo. As seen in the video Williams posted on Facebook, the baby bear stood on its hind legs as it peered through the doorway as if hoping to be invited inside for a cup of hot chocolate.

The little bear wandered around the deck, repeatedly coming back to the door and standing up on its hind legs to look inside. The bear walked right up to the door just like a human child to see what was going on. We can only imagine what that little bear was thinking: probably that this was some kind of strange-looking cave!

The bear stumbles around on the deck, then turns back to see its mother climbing over the railing. The baby bear immediately steps back as if it knew that it wasn't supposed to be looking into people's houses.

Mama Bear immediately takes action

After scaling the railing, the mother bear immediately walks over to her cub and makes it stop what it's doing. She gently bites the cub, then jerks her head toward the house as if to say "You know you're not supposed to be here!" Then she picks up the cub by the scruff of its neck. The cub protests like a toddler who's about to be punished, but Mama Bear's not holding back. She drags the cub around the deck by the scruff of its neck as if she's trying to send a warning.

Bears have been known to visit people on their front porches before, but they typically don't come right up to the doorway. Clearly, this young cub doesn't have any of the fear that will be instilled in it when it's an adult.

These humans might be friendly, but not all humans are — some might try to hurt the bear or feed it and socialize it, robbing it of its natural instincts. Mother knows best, after all, and this mother bear clearly knows that she needs to teach her child a valuable lesson.

She continues to drag the cub around by the scruff of its neck, even while it protests. Finally, she releases the bear. She tries to pick up the cub again and scale the side of the railing, but evidently she realizes that the cub is too heavy to be carried. Giving up, she decides to walk down the stairs and disappears into the yard, with the cub eagerly trailing behind her.

What did you think?

Were you just as charmed by this furry family as we were? Tell us your thoughts in the comments. And if you've got an animal lover in your family, send them this video so they can enjoy this precious scene of a mother bear and her adorable baby.

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