Mother Adopts Foster Baby And Realizes She’s The Sister Of Her Adopted Son

Jan 14, 2019 by apost team

Parker, Colorado resident Katie Page always wanted to be a mother, but she had fertility issues. This didn't stop her from following her dream of having children and she adopted a boy, Grayson, after her divorce. She was a foster mother to four other children already but when she saw Grayson, who had been abandoned in the hospital after his birth, she fell in love.

Knowing she wasn't done with just one child, she began the process of adopting a little girl, Hannah. During the adoption process Page realized that the two children had the same mother. This was no easy conclusion to come to as the mother had falsified her information when she abandoned Grayson after his birth. Both Grayson and Hannah had been exposed to methamphetamines by their mother, who clearly wasn't able to care for them.

Already in the process of adopting Hannah, Page redoubled her efforts when she came to know they were biological siblings, a fact confirmed by DNA testing. Both Page and her roommate, Ashley Chapa, told the story to "Good Morning America" when the talkshow heard about it. Chapa described Page as a "superwoman", an opinion reinforced by the second and third adoptions.

Grayson, 2, and Hannah, 1, also have a third sibling that Page is trying to adopt as well, to keep this family as together as she can. The 5-month old child's name and gender are not revealed as the adoption process is still ongoing, but as Page says, she had a four-bedroom home all to herself at one point, and now it is brimming with the family she has always wanted.

Already heroes for caring for children who have been abandoned or lost their families, foster parents like Page who try and keep siblings together for the sake of family are an example to us all of how to act with kindness and giving. Page, despite fertility issues and divorce, kept to her goals and now has the family she always wanted.

She says that she believes that God never gives her more than she can handle, and she seems grateful to be in a position to have not one child, but three and that those children are themselves already a family. 

What do you think of this story? Did it touch your heart? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about families like Page's, it might help break the stigma of adopted children and foster care children that sadly exists in our society.