Mom Throws Treats To The Dog And Her Twin Girls Erupt Into A Fit Of Contagious Laughter

Feb 02, 2018 by apost team

Sometimes it's difficult to keep your babies entertained long enough before they're quickly crawling away to cause mischief. Toys and play centers only appease them for so long before they're putting the remote in their mouth or trying to pry open the childproofed cabinets. It's an exhausting job, but someone has to do it! 

But one mom unintentionally hit the entertainment jackpot with one simple act: Giving the dog a treat!

Have you ever seen or read something that was so funny, even though it wasn't intended that way? It could be something simple, like a stranger's weird way of sneezing or saying the word "poo." There's just something so dumb and funny about it that you can't help but giggle nonstop. 

That's exactly what happened with the twins. Mom threw a treat in the air, the family dog caught it and chowed down, but her babies absolutely LOST IT.

This video is so silly and their laughter is 100% contagious! We dare you to watch this without smiling! 

Too funny! My cheeks hurt from smiling so much :D

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