Mom Thought Her 2-Yr-Old Wouldn't Recognize Dad After Deployment - But Their Reunion Brought Us All To Tears

Aug 31, 2018 by apost team

If you’ve had the blessing to be a parent or anyone with a child in their life, you know how heartwarming it is when the child looks up to you and comes racing in for a greeting or a hug. There aren’t many other moments in life that can compare to this sensation of love. Luckily, sometimes these moments are filmed for all to enjoy. Mother and wife, Amanda Taylor, gave her husband, Sgt. Brenden Taylor, the gift of a lifetime when she chose to film a heartwarming reunion after his 175-day deployment.

The couple have two beautiful daughters together. One daughter is only 1, and one is 2 and a half years old. They welcomed the birth of their first child while Brenden was deployed in 2015, and the second daughter came in May of last year. Nine months after the second birth, Brenden was deployed in February 2018.

Brenden’s wife Amanda maintains that she was nervous about his recent deployment because she had to handle two little girls all on her own.

She also was curious as to how the girls would react to the deployment of her father, wondering if they would be hesitant towards him when he returned or if they would remember him at all.

After Brenden left, Amanda felt empty without her partner and it only took a couple of hours before her oldest daughter began asking where her father was.

The same day that he left, the daughter fell ill and her father was unable to comfort her. In order to make the deployment more bearable on her children, they started a daily countdown that lightened the mood.

When his deployment was coming to an end, she knew she wanted to make his reunion special.

She hired a professional photographer named Maddie Shortt in order to capture the amazing moment. When the day finally came, the girls were happy to welcome back their courageous father.

The children exclaimed bursts of happiness and the oldest daughter ran to their father in order to greet him, and thankfully, the moment is all captured on film.

When Amanda thinks about that special day, she recalls her husband having the biggest smile she’s ever seen him have in his entire life. Although his time away was most likely hard on his little girls, you wouldn’t be able to tell from their amazing reaction! Watch the family reunite for yourself in the video below, but be prepared to shed a few years.

What do you think about this heartwarming reunion? Show this to your friends and family if it brought a smile to your face!