Mom Sets The Record Straight: Her ‘Black & White’ Sons Are Identical Twin Brothers

Oct 03, 2020 by apost team

A Nigerian mother found out she was pregnant with identical twins. She was in for quite a surprise when the babies were delivered via cesarean. The first baby was a boy, and he came out with brown skin.

The second baby was also a boy but looked different from his brother. He has pale skin and golden hair. One of the identical twin boys was born with albinism.

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Pregnancy is a life-changing event for many parents. Every doctor’s visit reveals new information about the growing fetus, like their gender. As the pregnancy progresses, parents can even see the babies through the ultrasound.

Some questions about a new baby cannot be answered until after birth. For example, an anatomy scan cannot tell you the skin color, nose shape, or color of the eyes. Parents have an idea what their child looks like, but will not fully know until after the baby is born.

According to The Sun, Stacy Omirin found out she was pregnant with identical twins in 2018. She lives in Nigeria, and there was no way for her to know what the twins would look like. Stacey had to deliver the twin boys through a cesarean section. However, the doctors were surprised when the babies were not identical. It would be impossible for the parents to mix up the babies. Daniel was the first baby born. His features were like his parents. Daniel has dark brown skin with black hair. David was the second baby born. He has a pale skin tone and golden colored hair.

"There're always side talks whenever we go out, people often wanna know how and what's happening and maybe due to their cute and adorable nature, you just wanna come close to say hello," Stacy shared.

The twins are biologically identical, but David has a rare genetic disorder known as Oculocutaneous albinism. This disorder occurs when the body cannot produce melanin. People with this condition usually have very pale skin, light eyes, and white hair.

Some people with albinism can produce a little melanin, but they still have light eyes, hair, and skin. Albinism also can cause other medical problems, such as vision impairment. The good news is that David is a healthy baby.

Stacy started an Instagram account to share the story of her twin boys. They are now a-year-and-half old and have over 25,000 followers. The skin tone is not the only difference between the two boys. Stacey did an interview with Bored Panda to talk about the personality differences of her boys.

David likes to observe, but Daniel is more expressive. However, both boys are curious. Daniel loves food, whereas David is a picky eater. David likes to choose moments while Daniel is very playful. Daniel also enjoys playing the big brother role, and both boys are energetic.

Did you think identical twins could look this different? Giving birth to identical twins is a big deal! However, albinism is a genetic condition that can make identical twins appear different. Let’s make parents aware of the genetic disorders that affect their babies’ appearance.

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