Mom Says She Flips Toddler Middle Finger — Her Sister Thinks It’s ‘Appalling’ And Other Internet Users Agree It’s Horrible

Aug 19, 2021 by apost team

Parenting is both rewarding and difficult, and most parents can attest to the fact that it is not a part-time job. It requires a person to dedicate most aspects of their life to nurturing and supporting a child emotionally and financially, sometimes even after the child is an adult. Being a parent is a lifelong job, and often parents have to worry about taking care of themselves as well as their kids. 

However, parenting is not always rainbows and butterflies; quite the contrary, in fact. It is indisputable that having a child is one of the most fulfilling things that can happen to a person, but it is also arduous and grueling. Some days, it can seem like the most difficult job ever. 

Naturally, frustrated and exhausted parents have their own way of blowing off steam; some may turn to exercise, others to food, while others may see their romantic relationships take a hit as child care becomes the most important thing for both partners. The internet is also filled with hacks and tips for how to deal with toddlers and young children, who can certainly be a handful. 

One mother shared her coping method on the British parenting website Mumsnet, which led to very strong reactions and opinions from other users. She told users that when she gets angry, she flips her middle finger to her toddler when she isn't looking. She added that this always makes her feel better, but many users voiced their concern about this behavior. Others, however, thought that it was quite funny.

In her post on Mumsnet, user Legbreak titled her post, " sometimes give toddler DD the finger behind her back?" In the post, she wrote, "She definitely doesn’t see and it makes me feel better and is always at home, not out and about etc. My DSis (dear sister) thinks it’s appalling."

For those who may not know, the middle finger is an obscene hand gesture in western culture and communicates moderate to extreme contempt. Many internet videos show the effect of showing someone the middle finger; arguments tend to be exacerbated with this gesture, but sometimes, when used in an informal and friendly setting, can lead to a few laughs. However, unless someone is understanding of the context of the gesture, most people will get angry and be insulted when "flipped off." 

Naturally, many people who saw Legbreak's post were highly offended that a mother would do something like this to her own child. One user, cheeseandbiscuitsplease1, wrote, "It's a horrible thing to do to anyone let alone a toddler,"

Another person, YummySushi, wrote, "I think that’s quite horrible.. Would u like ur toddler doing that behind ur back when they’re adults and ur calling them to ask for something? Guess not. I find a punching bag is a better form of release." Taking out one's anger on a punching bag can definitely be effective! 

One more user, TheCheeseStandsAlone, chimed in, "I don’t think it’s really acceptable TBH. She’ll eventually catch you (and do it to others)." This is also an important point to consider, as children tend to copy what their parents do, and this woman's actions may lead to her daughter developing a bad habit without knowing what she is doing.

However, other people showed a different side to the argument, with some even laughing at what the woman was doing and understanding her reasons for being frustrated.

One user, Dobbythesockelf, wrote, "I'm sure loads of people will be here soon to tell you that it's wrong but I've done It, I've also muttered [expletive] to myself when my dd (dear daughter) is banging on the bathroom door for the millionth time that day. I've never said/done anything to her face but sometimes it just helps to get the frustration out."

Another person, EnglishBreakfastTea, agreed and said, "I do it too, I've got 2 under 3 and sometimes if they've pushed me to the absolute edge it really does help! I'd much rather do that than shout / lose my temper with them - they never see, and I'd never do it in public. But sometimes toddlers are just horrible and it helps!"

User moreismore found some entertainment in this and wrote, "Haha! This made me laugh as my sis-in-law was doing this to my very grotty toddler the other day! I can’t see the harm in it as a release when you’re having a really frustrated moment."

The Sun reported that another user, GerrysSuccessor wrote, "I do this ALL THE TIME. And I advise my mum friends who are having bad days to do it as well. It’s completely harmless, and as far as I’m concerned it’s preventing me actually doing it to their faces..."

This issue has divided people about how a person should let off steam around their toddler, and there have been no updates yet from the mother who originally posted her thoughts.

Do you think that flipping your middle finger to a toddler is an appropriate way to express your feelings as a parent? Tell us your thoughts, and pass this onto others to see how they react to this behavior as well. 

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