Mom Loses Wedding Rings Only To Find Out They Were Turned In To Police By A Child

Nov 30, 2019 by apost team

There's nothing worse than losing something valuable. What's worse is when you never find it ever again. Frustration, sadness, and angst are just a few of the emotions one feels when this happens.

Caitlin Adkins cherished her wedding rings ever since her husband gave them to her. She planned on passing the rings down to her children when they were older. Let's not forget to mention the rings also cost $10,000.

Caitlin went to a park in Ohio. She wanted to put on sunscreen but didn't want to ruin her rings so she took them off she told 10TV News. She placed them in her pockets and went about her day. It wasn't until she got home she realized they were missing. Practically hysterical, she begged her husband to drive her back to the park so she could check the bathrooms. Unfortunately, the bathrooms were locked by the time they arrived.

The next thing they did was call the police station to see if anyone turned in the rings. Once again, no luck. Caitlin was so upset she couldn't get out of bed. She cried and cried. Her family didn't know how to comfort her.

Amazingly, they got a call from the police saying her rings had been found. Caitlin was shocked that someone turned in the rings. They were clearly expensive.

Apparently, a six-year-old girl found the rings in the bathroom. She was reminded of the lessons of integrity and honesty by her dad. They decided together to do the right thing and turn in the rings. Caitlin and the little girl ended up meeting in person. Caitlin showed her gratitude towards the little girl.

A simple yet inspiring story! Tell us what your opinion of it is!