Mom Lets Little Boy Salute Queen's Guards Not Expecting One To Turn Around And Single Him Out

Feb 03, 2019 by apost team

It is not unusual for a young child to develop a fascination about an object or idea and to hold steadfastly to that obsession. Whether it be toy trains or dinosaurs or puppies, children are not shy about expressing their love.

For one little boy from England, his obsession was especially interesting. Sweet Marshall has always been fascinated with the Queen's Guard. Luckily for Marshall, his family lived near Windsor Castle.

Marshall even had his own Queen's Guard costume that he would often proudly wear. There is no denying how cute this precious boy looks all dressed to the nines in his own uniform.

Because of this passion, it is no surprise that Marshall's mother took him to Windsor Castle on his fourth birthday for an extra special outing. As they were watching the traditional Changing of the Guard ceremony, Marshall began saluting the guards as they came near.

As he heard the shoes of the guardsmen clicking on the cobblestone road, Marshall could hardly contain his excitement. The guards regally marched in unison past the saluting Marshall. Everyone thought the moment was over once the men headed back through the doorway. However, the moment was far from over!

Moments later, one of the guards went back through the door and began marching toward Marshall. This was highly out of the ordinary and everyone was wondering what was going on.

You have to see what happens next and how all of Marshall's dreams come true. After you have watched this video, be sure to pass along this sweet story with everyone that you know. We could all use a smile like this!