Mom Is Warning Others About The Schoolyard Craze That Almost Killed Her 12-Year-Old Son

Feb 26, 2019 by apost team

Numerous challenges have circulated on the Internet in recent years, such as a dare where a friend pours a giant bucket of ice water on your head. While some challenges are relatively harmless, this is not the case with one dare involving very strong magnets that many children have been trying. This challenge has sent at least a few children to the hospital.

One day at school, Freddie Webster tested the magnetic capabilities of ball bearings. This 12-year old boy put one magnetic ball in his mouth and the other ball on the exterior of his cheek.

He, unfortunately, failed at this challenge the first time, and the result was that he swallowed two magnetic balls at school. However, Freddie was not done. He was still challenged by this feat, and he tried multiple times to succeed.

Altogether, he swallowed four magnetic balls.

Later that day, Freddie developed a stomachache and told his mother about two of the balls. She was concerned but assumed that the balls would pass naturally through his system.

By the next day, his stomach pain had worsened, and he was rushed to the hospital. An x-ray revealed that four magnets had stuck together and were causing serious internal damage.

More than that, the doctor told Freddie’s mother that four other children had been in the hospital recently with the same complaint.

Freddie’s situation was dire, and he required emergency surgery to remove the magnets and to repair the internal damage that they had done. His surgery took more than four hours. Approximately 10 centimeters of his colon had to be removed.

After the procedure, he was in stable but poor condition and required hospitalization for eight days.

Now, he will require lifelong medical observation to ensure that his colon and intestines continue to function normally.

Have you heard of challenges that had poor or scary results? Our readers would love to learn from your experiences. Let us know in the comments below and pass this along to your friends and family to warn them about this new trend.