Mom Is Left Cringing As Daughter’s School Pictures Go Wrong

Nov 08, 2021 by apost team

School picture day is a pretty exciting day for parents and their children. The kids are given a chance to get some professional photographs taken while showing off their adorable personalities. Wanting to make picture day as perfect and memorable as possible, parents usually help their kids pick out exactly what they should wear and what background they should use for the annual photograph. Sadly, one mom on TikTok forgot about her daughter’s school picture day in Nov. 2020, and the results left her cringing.

Paige Ward is a mom of four children, including then-2-year-old Emma. The family lives in Oklahoma and are incredibly close with one another. Emma is known for having a vibrant, hilarious and sassy personality, so when one of Ward’s friends made her a T-shirt that read “sasshole,” Ward happily took it to give to her daughter. However, her daughter has only worn the shirt a few times.

One morning, Ward woke up Emma to get ready for school. She was pretty tired after working long hours at an urgent care clinic, so she just grabbed her daughter whatever shirt she saw first and gave it to Emma to wear for the day. This shirt just so happened to be the sasshole shirt.

Turns out it was school picture day that day, although Ward was not aware of this. Fortunately, Emma smiled brightly in all of her photos with her silly sasshole shirt on. However, one of the letters got cut off in the end result, leaving Ward cringing hard at how wrong her daughter’s school photos turned out. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Sharing The Photos With The World 

Speaking with BuzzFeed in Nov. 2020, Ward talked about how she had no idea it was school picture day the morning she sent her daughter off to school wearing her sasshole shirt. She said:

"I woke up that morning exhausted and grabbed the first thing out of her closet I could see, which happened to be the famous 'sasshole' shirt."

Not realizing it was school photo day, Ward didn't even consider her choice again until a few days later when Emma brought home the photo proofs of her school photo. That's when Ward instantly became "hysterical" upon seeing them since the first letter of the word on the shirt had been cut off. 

Ward felt like everyone was going to think she was a horrible mother for allowing her child to wear something like that. "But the entire time I was dying laughing because it just fits Emma's personality and 2020 so well," Ward said. 

So she did what anyone would do in that situation — poked fun at her mistake. Wanting to have some fun with the photos, the mom decided to film a TikTok video and uploaded it to her account on Nov. 15, 2020, explaining what happened with her own mixup on school photo day. Her video showed just how funny yet cringy the whole situation was. Needless to say, her post quickly went viral, being shared by millions of people online. Since then, the TikTok video has garnered more than 5.4 million views and 619,000 likes.

Many moms commented on the TikTok and expressed how funny they found the photos to be. One person wrote:

"The fact that you can't see the first 's' is killing me"

However, not everyone was as thrilled, and some moms responded by saying that the shirt was inappropriate for Emma to even own, according to BuzzFeed. One user commented the following, which prompted Ward to make a separate video in order to poke fun at their judgment:

"Who sends their kid to school with a shirt like that no matter what day it is? Or even puts a little girl in that shirt?"

Another user predicted that mean-spirited people would "attack" Ward for her post, as they wrote:

"Have you been attacked by Karen yet.???? I would order prints"

Yet another made light of the situation and wrote, "You're about to be the talk of the PTA meeting." Fortunately, Ward and even Emma's teachers were able to laugh at the incident. 

Ward told BuzzFeed that her daughter has always helped the family laugh and stay positive, even through hard times. "Through the pandemic, we have been struggling to make ends meet, and this was just the comedic relief we have been needing," Ward said. "Since Emma has been born, she has been the light through all of the darkness."

Ward's hilarious reaction to the incident and her ability to laugh at her mistake is truly admirable. Let her story be a reminder that when things don't go according to plan in life, we can either be hard on ourselves, which doesn't help the situation at all, or we can laugh it off. 

What did you think about this hilarious TikTok and this mom's reaction to her daughter's school photos? What did your best or worst school picture look like? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family members and friends, too. 

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